
靈異求生 第1季

Stranded (S1)
你與兩個剛認識的人要怎麼單獨度過幾天的日子?有問題嗎? 你必須待在北美最常鬧鬼的地方!每組分別有安排超自然現象狂熱者與持懷疑態度者, 歡迎加入本節目, 他們的經歷都將有影片紀錄。場景包括執行上千死囚的西維吉尼亞監獄,與有悲劇發生過的紐約旅社,誰可以平安度過這一晚呢? 
How would you and two acquaintances like to spend several days alone together? The catch? You’ll be spending it in some of the most haunted locations in North America! With both paranormal enthusiasts and skeptics in each group, get Stranded with the teams as they create their own footage of the experience. From a prison in West Virginia that has seen over a thousand executions to a bed-&-breakfast in New York with a tragic past, just who will survive the night?  
