
鬼影見證人 第3季

Paranormal Witness (S3)
第三季觀眾將繼續聽到與超自然現象接觸者的真實見證。無論是在家裡或職場上,這些人跟我們一樣,不幸遭受 某些神秘難解的東西的迫害。敬請鎖定傾聽他們分享故事,我們也將冒險親臨這些據傳鬧鬼的地點。 
Back for a third season, Paranormal Witness  will have you hooked with real accounts of people who have experienced the paranormal in their everyday lives. Whether at home or at work, these people just like us have the misfortune of being tormented by some mysterious entities. Watch as they share their stories and we venture inside these allegedly haunted locations. 
