
超越時間線 第1季

Continuum (S1)
劇情聚焦在未來2077年叛軍與警察兩組人員的衝突上,隨著時光隧道來到2012年的溫哥華。彼此間激烈的拼鬥持續著,為了阻止,即使現在尚未發生,未來的推翻政府的大規模行動。Kiera Cameron 警長必須祕密地不懈怠勤奮工作來阻止事情的發生,絕對不能任何人知道他們來自未來。 她自稱是來自波特蘭的警察, 與當地警察Carlos Fonnegra合作,並與十七歲的男孩Alec Sadler交朋友。他是個科技天才,背負著不畏人知的黑暗未來。 她在現在時刻現身, 絕非偶然。離開自己家人和原有的一切,她能夠再次重返未來嗎?就讓時間證明一切吧!
Centering on the conflict between a group of rebels and a police officer from 2077, these 2 parties time-travel to 2012 and find themselves in Vancouver. Continuing their violent campaign to thwart massive corporations in their future from replacing governments despite these events not having taken place yet, police officer Kiera Cameron must work tirelessly under wraps to deter them without revealing to anyone that they really are from the future. Posing as a Portland police officer, she teams up with local officer Carlos Fonnegra and befriends a 17 year old Alec Sadler, a technological genius with an unknowingly dark future. In addition, it turns out that her presence in the present may not have been accidental. Having left everything behind in the future, will officer Kiera ever make it back to her family? Only time will tell.
