
地球異世界 第2季

Defiance (S2)
科幻迷的福音,《地球異世界》重返螢幕,帶來外星人,精彩的動作,與大型的戰爭與觀眾見面。時空背景設在2046年的地球,但這絕對是顆這陌生的星球,我們所熟知的動植物皆已絕種,新的品種早已取代他們的位置。Joshua Nolan與他的養女 Irisa 在反抗市定居下來,在那裏,人類與外星人和平共處- Nolan則負責維護和平秩序。接續上季完結篇,Irisa被綁票,Nolan 死裡重生,展開找尋女兒的旅程。然而女兒失蹤只是Nolan面臨的問題之一,地球共和國拿下了反抗市。 新的朋友與敵人出現了,Linda Hamilton (演出《魔鬼終結者》)精彩客串飾演Rafe的暴怒太太,令人顫慄的演出絕不容錯過。
Sci-fi fanboys, rejoice. Defiance is back with aliens, action and a massive war at hand. Set in 2046 on an Earth like you’ve never seen before, the plants and animals we know are extinct and new species are here to take their place. Joshua Nolan and his adopted daughter Irisa settle down in the community of Defiance, where humans and extraterrestrials co-exist in peace - and it is up to Nolan to guard that peace. Picking up from a shocking finale when Irisa is abducted and Nolan is revived from the dead, the search continues. But a missing daughter is just one of Nolan’s problems, when Earth Republic takes over Defiance. New friends and foes emerge and guest star Linda Hamilton (The Terminator)’s particularly horrifying performance as Rafe’s estranged wife is a spectacle you can’t miss.
