MOD 620


The Face OZ (S1)
女孩們前往澳洲,挑戰的難度越來越高。伸展台上傳奇超模娜歐蜜坎貝兒親臨澳洲進行本節目全新系列,為護膚保養大牌歐蕾 尋找全新代言面孔。超模女王坎貝兒 配上澳洲名模夏安托茲與妮可·特倫菲奧,她們要從24位年輕人選找出最佳代言面孔。展現全身武藝到意外落馬,本節目都來真的,絕非時下的輕鬆乏味的時裝模特兒表演。

The girls are heading Down Under and the stakes have never been higher. Runway legend Naomi Campbell takes her reality competition to Australia to search for the new Face of skincare giant Olay. Queen Campbell is joined by Aussie models Cheyenne Tozzi and Nicole Trunfio and together, they put 24 young hopefuls through the test to be the ultimate Face. From circus tricks to shocking withdrawals, this contest proves to be no (cat)walk in the park.



角色介紹 Characters


Georges Antonis

昆士蘭人,Georges Antoni為澳洲最成功的時尚攝影師之一,然而當初這可不是他所預想到的會從事的職業。他的事業名聲很快竄起,紅遍全球,穩坐澳洲攝影圈的頂尖龍頭地位,來自世界各地的合作案機會無數。包括從雪梨、新加坡、紐約到杜拜。因過人才華天賦、專業知識、執行能力和穩定,好相處的脾氣,各國客戶接踵而來,行程總是滿檔。在2006年曾擔任澳洲版的《名模生死鬥》第二季的評審,之後開始擔起每季的客座攝影師。也曾在澳洲版的《決戰伸展台》第四季擔任攝影師和客座評審。

Born in Queensland, Georges Antoni is one of Australia’s most successful and sought after fashion photographers, but it wasn’t always his intended career path.  Georges’ global star rose rapidly, and he was soon ensconced in the top echelons of Australian photography. He is now undeniably one of the best photographers of our time in this country, and in demand around the world.  Shooting from Sydney to Singapore, New York to Dubai, Georges has won clients with his natural talent, incredible technical knowledge, skills with execution and composition and his easy going nature, ensuring his calendar is booked solid constantly.  In 2006 Georges signed on as a regular judge on the second season of Australia’s Next Top Model, and has appeared as a guest photographer in every series since.  He also appeared as a photographer and guest judge in season four of Project Runway Australia (2012).


Nicole Trunfio

Nicole Trunfio出身澳洲西部的Merredin。在2002年贏得Channel Ten主辦的「尋找下位超級名模」冠軍後,勇敢搬到紐約逐夢。在時尚圈耕耘多年,現在已為光芒萬丈的超級名模。合作過的攝影師不計其數,包括Patrick Demarchelier, Peter Lindbergh, Steven Klein, Greg Kadel, Terry Richardson以及已故的Richard Avedon。曾登上澳洲版的Vogue和Elle雜誌封面,拍攝過許多時尚雜誌。曾在美國版的“ Make Me a Supermodel “第2季擔任導師。擁有自身高級珠寶品牌 “ Trunfio Jewels ”。

Raised in Merredin, a country town in Western Australia, Nicole Trunfio made the gutsy move to relocate to New York as a teen after winning Channel Ten’s Search for a Supermodel competition in 2002.  Over a decade later she is now a prominent figure in the fashion industry and has worked with some of the industry’s leading photographers including Patrick Demarchelier, Peter Lindbergh, Steven Klein, Greg Kadel, Terry Richardson, and the late, legendary Richard Avedon.  Nicole has appeared on the cover of Australian Vogue and Elle. She served as a mentor for the female models in the second season of the American version of  “ Make Me a Supermodel “. She has also founded the successful fine-jewellery label Trunfio Jewels.


Cheyenne Tozzi

在13歲就被譽為下一位澳洲超模艾勒·麥克法森艷驚四座,夏安托茲為雪梨薩瑟蘭郡人。擁有荷蘭和義大利血統,這位身高五呎九吋的金髮尤物的十幾年模特兒生涯裡,她的姣好身影不只在澳洲更橫跨到全球。除參與各大時尚活動外,曾登上Vogue墨西哥版和法國費加洛雜誌的封面。近年來夏安將重心轉到她喜愛的音樂,而她和國際知名DJ Erick Morillo共同錄製的單曲 “Once Upon a Time”,登上美國告示牌舞曲排行榜第四名。

Hailed as the next Elle MacPherson at the age of 13, model Cheyenne Tozzi grew up in Sydney’s Sutherland Shire.  With Dutch-Italian heritage, the five-foot nine blonde went on to model both locally and internationally over the following decade, and features on covers including Vogue Mexico and Madam Figaro.  In recent years Cheyenne has been focusing on her passion for music, and her track “Once Upon a Time”, recorded with internationally successful DJ Erick Morillo, achieved a number four hit on the US dance charts.


Naomi Campbell


Naomi Campbell is an English model. Discovered at the age of 15, she established herself among the top three most recognizable and in-demand models of the late 1980s and 1990s, and she was one of six models of her generation declared "supermodels" by the fashion world. Her personal life is widely reported, particularly her relationships with prominent men—including boxer Mike Tyson and actor Robert De Niro—and several highly-publicised convictions for assault.