MOD 380

我的室友是麻豆 第2季

I Live With Models (S2)
2017/02/18起 週六21:30首播
艾美獎提名製作人 Mark Reisman (《歡樂一家親》《前夫三人行》製作人)帶著他的爆笑頻道原創製作回來了,在魯蛇手模湯米空降至模特兒產業的一年後,他將前往闖蕩時尚首都-紐約?!他將碰上哪些新室友?又會發生甚麼瘋狂的糗事與挑戰?
This Comedy Central original returns with Emmy-nominated producer Mark Reisman - who has worked on Frasier and The Exes - as executive producer and showrunner. A year after his catapault-launch into the modelling world, hand model Tommy is now in the epicentre of fashion - New York City. Who will his new roommates be? What craziness will his new challenges bring?
Tommy and Scarlet arrive in New York, looking to make it big.  Scarlet gets the fear when their new agent turns out to be very young and Tommy makes a bad first impression with the new roommates.
