

Ironside (S1)
鋼鐵警探報到:你見過壞警察,卻從未見過像Robert T. Ironside,這麼強悍的警探。改編六零年代廣受關注的警探影集,由性感非裔男星Blair Underwood飾演Robert Ironside: 在一場執勤中彈受傷後,自腰部以下癱瘓,但仍然聲音嘹亮,積極進取,犀利刻薄,攻擊力強大。 受困輪椅並未澆熄他應付城市惡人的決心與智慧,他有專有的團隊,專門打擊高科技壞蛋和心懷恨意的邊緣份子。


Iron man: You’ve seen bad cops but you’ve never seen one as tough as Detective Robert T. Ironside. In this gritty remake of the critically acclaimed 1960s police drama of the same name, Blair Underwood stars as Robert Ironside: brass, aggressive, acerbic and paralyzed from the waist down after being shot on the job. Being wheelchair-bound doesn’t stop Ironside from washing out the scum of the city and through the sheer power of will and wits, he gets his own special department which cracks down high-powered vice syndicates and low-life criminals with a vengeance.


角色介紹 Characters

Ed Rollins

Kenneth Choi

Kenneth Choi在本劇中飾演冷靜務實的Ed Rollins隊長,常以冷酷,實事求是的方式處理公務。儘管他們倆人間的關係時常處於拉鋸戰,他和Ironside還是相互敬重對方。Choi演出的大螢幕作品包括近來熱門大片,大導演馬丁·史柯西斯的《華爾街之狼》,和李奧納多與馬修·麥康納共同演出。芝加哥出身,從小就是影迷,立志要當演員。違背他家人的期望,他離開大學開始追逐夢想。在洛杉磯落腳的第一週就開始接拍一部獨立製片電影。總共演出過六部電視影集,包括《白宮風雲》和《羅斯威爾》。

Kenneth Choi stars as calm and pragmatic Captain Ed Rollins, who handles situations with a level head and cool demeanor on NBC's gritty police drama "Ironside." He and Ironside share a mutual respect and admiration for each other despite their push-pull relationship.  Choi will soon be seen in the highly anticipated Martin Scorsese film "The Wolf of Wall Street," starring opposite Leonardo DiCaprio and Matthew McConaughey.  A huge fan of films as a child growing up in Chicago, Choi always wanted to be an actor. Against his family's wishes, Choi left college to pursue the craft. Once in Los Angeles, Choi hit the ground running and was cast in an independent film during his first week. He finished the year with appearances in six television series, including "The West Wing" and "Roswell."


Neal Bledsoe

Neal Bledsoe飾演本劇的Teddy一角,一位受過高等教育的年輕員警,總是會和高層起衝突。Bledsoe是位生於多倫多的演員,經歷豐富。知名演出廣告包括: “Old Spice”和 “Tiffany & Co”,現為好萊塢炙手可熱的新生代明星。在大螢幕的表現,包括大片廠的《真愛旅程》和《慾望城市2》到獨立製片的作品像是“Under New Management, ” “Grand Street, ” “Police State” 和“Highrise",類型種類繁多。

Neal Bledsoe stars as Teddy, a rich, highly educated young cop who has never been good with authority, in NBC's gritty police drama "Ironside."  Bledsoe is a Toronto-born actor who has done a wide variety of work. He is the face of Old Spice and Tiffany & Co. for their advertising campaigns and is one of Hollywood's hottest young actors.  On the big screen, he has landed roles in everything from popular studio films such as "Revolutionary Road" and "Sex and the City 2," to independent features, including "Under New Management," "Grand Street," "Police State" and "Highrise."


Spencer Grammer

Spencer Grammer在本劇飾演Holly,一位強悍、易怒,喜愛臥底任務和所帶來的危險的警探。Grammer代表作品是演出ABC影集《哈拉聯盟會》,飾演Casey一角。之前曾演出過 “As the World Turns”一劇當中的Lucy Montgomery一角,長達一百集。其他電視演出包括NBC的《法網遊龍:特案組》、《CSI犯罪現場:紐約》、 “The Bedford Diarie,” 《危急最前線》和 “Clubhouse”。在大螢幕方面,曾演出"Missing William"、"Beautiful Ohio"和"Descent"。除此之外,今年還有三部獨立製作電影會發表,包括"2BR/1BA"、 "Beyond Paradise"和曾在Newport Beach International Film Festival首映的"In Lieu of Flowers"。

Spencer Grammer stars as Holly, the strong, feisty detective who loves the rush of being undercover and the danger that goes with the job.  Grammer shined in her role as Casey, star of ABC Family's hit series "Greek." Previously, she starred in "As the World Turns," playing the role of Lucy Montgomery for close to 100 episodes. Other television credits include NBC's "Law & Order: SVU," "CSI: NY," "The Bedford Diaries," "Third Watch" and "Clubhouse."  On the big screen, her feature credits include "Missing William," "Beautiful Ohio" and "Descent." In addition, she has three upcoming independent features that will be released in 2014: "2BR/1BA," "Beyond Paradise" and "In Lieu of Flowers," which premiered at the 2013 Newport Beach International Film Festival.


Pablo Schreiber

Pablo Schreiber在本劇演出Virgil一角,一位身為紐約警局最強悍警察和愛家庭父親的角色裡想要取得平衡的角色。身棲電影、舞台劇和電視三大圈子,Schreiber證明他身為演員的廣泛可能性和多元才華。曾演出多部電影,包括獲得日舞影展觀眾獎,Josh Radnor的"Happythankyoumoreplease";伍迪艾倫的《情遇巴塞隆納》;Michael Cuesta的《洩密的心》和《羅丹薩的夜晚》、《戰略迷魂》、《分手事件》、《火線衝突》和《馬奇男孩》。最近他演出英國導演史蒂芬·佛瑞爾斯的 “Muhammad Ali's Greatest Fight”以及兩部獨立電影 “The Dramatics”和 “Fort Bliss”。

Pablo Schreiber stars as Virgil, a man who wrestles with the dichotomy of being one of NYPD's toughest cops in the city and a loving family man at home, in NBC's gritty police drama "Ironside."  With a multitude of roles in film, theater and television, Schreiber has proven his range and versatility as an actor.  Schreiber has appeared in many films, including: Josh Radnor's "Happythankyoumoreplease," which won the Audience Award at Sundance, Woody Allen's "Vicky Christina Barcelona," Michael Cuesta's "Tell-Tale," "Nights in Rodanthe," "The Manchurian Candidate," "Breaking Upwards," "Into the Fire," "The Mudge Boy".  Upcoming, he appears in Stephen Frears' "Muhammad Ali's Greatest Fight" and the independent features "The Dramatics" and "Fort Bliss."

Gary Stanton

Brent Sexton

Brent Sexton在本劇飾演Gary,一位老練、鐵石心腸的警探,是Ironside的前任同事。出生在聖路易斯,就讀密西西比州立大學,之後參加劇團在歐洲和美國巡迴演出四年後,最後在洛杉磯落腳。他的演藝事業從1989年演出影集 “B.L. Stryker”開始,電視作品紀錄眾多,最近演出的作品是在備受好評的影集《謀殺拼圖》中飾演悲傷的父親Stan Larsen一角。

Brent Sexton stars as Gary, a seasoned, hard-nosed detective and Ironside's (Blair Underwood) former partner, in NBC's gritty police drama "Ironside."  Born in St. Louis, Sexton studied at Missouri State University and spent four years touring theatrically throughout Europe and the United States before settling in Los Angeles.  His acting career began in 1989 on the series "B.L. Stryker" and he has gone on to amass an impressive resume of television credits. Most recently, he played the grieving father Stan Larsen in the critically acclaimed series "The Killing."

Robert Ironside

Blair Undrwood

Blair Underwood飾演本劇主角Robert Ironside,一位聰明,強悍剛直,我行我素,照自身規則辦案過活的警探,不計代價和阻撓就是想要捍衛正義。Underwood獲獎無數,擁有多重身份,包括演員、導演、製作人,不斷在電影、電視、劇場甚至文學圈展現他過人的才華。2012年,Underwoody在百老匯初次登台演出,飾演劇作家田納西·威廉斯的《慾望街車》裡的充滿諷刺性的角色Stanley,因為演出此角而讓他獲得Drama League Distinguished Performance Award的提名。在他的演員生涯裡,有幾齣重要的電視作品,包括:HBO的醫療影集《就診》,演出一位深受任務所苦的海軍飛行員。因此角而獲得一座金球獎和有色人種民權促進協會獎。

Blair Underwood stars as Robert Ironside, a brilliant, tough-as-nails detective who lives and plays by his own rules and remains undeterred from his goal of getting justice at all costs in NBC's gritty police drama "Ironside."  Underwood has distinguished himself as an award-winning actor/director/producer who continues to showcase his multitude of talents in the world of film, television, theater and literature.  In 2012, Underwood made his Broadway debut in the iconic role of Stanley in Tennessee Williams' "A Streetcar Named Desire," a role that earned him a 2012 Drama League Distinguished Performance Award nomination. Underwood has appeared in many prominent television series over his career, including HBO's psychiatrist drama "In Treatment," where he portrayed a Navy pilot who was deeply conflicted about his mission. For his performance, Underwood was nominated for both a Golden Globe and NAACP Image Award.