

Mind Blown
2016/12/18 週日21:10首播

洛城發生地震,造成民眾恐慌,四處都是崩壞倒塌的建築。但當特殊部隊在上空鳥瞰,調查災難的嚴重狀況時,災難卻宛如未曾發生過一樣。建築依然聳立,地面完好如初…然而屍體卻橫掃街頭。 本片描述政府的心電波秘密計畫出了大亂子。現在DOD必須採取行動掩蓋,粉飾太平,將處理掉所有有關的人事物。逃命之餘,Noah West知道他必須找出偷竊這項科技,並藉此計畫打擊美國的人。當災難開始成真,實驗的醜陋秘密也開始慢慢浮現檯面。

In Los Angeles, the Earth shakes, people panic, buildings crumble and fold. But when a special OPS crew flies in to view the damage, it's as if nothing has happened. Buildings still stand, the ground is whole...but dead bodies litter the streets. Welcome to MIND BLOWN - a secret government program in psychotronic warfare that goes terribly wrong. Now the DOD must cover it up and terminate all involved. Fleeing for his life, Noah West knows he must uncover who has stolen the technology with plans on using it to bring America to its knees. When the disasters start for real, the darker secret of the experiment begins to unravel.
