

Magic Man (S1)
眼見不為憑:定眼注視,千萬別把眼光移開,否則你會錯過一些東西。魔術師JB Benn的手腳很快,在這個全新的現場節目,你將親眼目睹這一切奇蹟。請鎖定這位街頭魔術師,他周遊世界,帶給大家一些獨一無二的幻象,並與旅客或當地人互動展現魔術。例如在墓園裡玩躲貓貓,將iPhone扭曲成兩半,心電感應改變手錶上的時分針。這個引人入勝,令人沉迷的節目將讓觀眾進入神奇的魔幻世界,但你得注意你的皮夾是否還在你身上唷!

Seeing is disbelieving: Watch closely and don’t look away, or you might just miss something. JB Benn works fast, moves quick and you can catch all the action on this brand new reality series.  Follow the street magician as he travels the world and brings with him his unique brand of illusions and interactive magic for tourists and locals alike. Hide-and-seek in the graveyard. Twisting an iPhone in half. Telepathically changing the hands of a watch. This hypnotically addictive series will enthrall and enrapture and while it does, you may want to check if you’ve still got your wallet with you!


角色介紹 Characters

魔術師JB Benn

Magician-JB Benn

當魔術師JB Benn表演時,「眼見不為憑」!而這就是魔術的樂趣的開始。千萬別錯過看他的聰明巧妙、快速的手法,不只是把紙牌變不見,甚至連你的世界也都一併消失喔。JB Benn是為手法高超的專業魔術師,出席私人派對和企業機關表演。從紐約到洛杉磯;從倫敦到孟買,這位充滿謎團的神奇男子將帶給全世界所需要的歡樂,驚奇,最重要的是,源源不斷的神奇魔術。

When JB Benn performs, seeing is disbelieving. And that's just where the fun begins. Don't miss the chance to watch his wise, quick hands make not just a card disappear -- but the rest of your world with it.  JB Benn is a master at sleight of hand, who is available for private parties and corporate events. From New York to Los Angeles, London to Mumbai, the man of mystery brings the world just what it needs now: joy, amazement, and most of all, magic.