
魔性人心 第4季

Being Human (S4)
時機歹歹: 英國暢銷影集的美國版本,本劇描繪吸血鬼,女鬼與狼人為了融入人群,設法隱瞞他們的真實身份的故事。沒有人,即便他們也非正常人,有辦法躲過無情命運與生活的逆境。上季結尾出現一張將永遠改變他們命運並令人心跳停止的字條,讓攤牌,失蹤與恐怖劃下第三季的尾聲。本季則將接續上季結尾後的三個月。所有的人都試著清醒面對Sally遭到女巫Donna擄走的事實,而Josh永遠成為狼人,促使Nora下定決心要讓丈夫恢復正常。 同時來自Aidan前世的鬼也真的來這裡拜訪,而一個難以捉摸又像極他死去已久的太太的女子現身, 另外他的吸血鬼隊長將讓他做出做出最困難的抉擇。當他們正忙著應付惡魔之際(內在與其他種的)的時候,新的敵人也伺機而出…。

Tough times: Based on the popular UK show of the same name, Being Human chronicles the exploits of a vampire, a ghost and a werewolf as they struggle to conceal their identities and blend in with society. But nobody – not even the superhumans – can escape the cruel twists and upheavals of life. Showdowns, disappearances and horrors ended the last season on a heart-stopping note that will change their lives forever, and Season 4 now picks things up three months after. Everyone struggles to cope when Sally is trapped with the witch Donna and Josh is permanently a wolf, driving Nora to extremes to get her husband back. Meanwhile, ghosts from Aidan’s past are here to visit – literally! Encounters with an elusive woman who bears an uncanny resemblance to his long-lost wife, and his maker Bishop will force him to make the toughest decisions. And while they’re all dealing with their demons (inner and otherwise!), a new enemy is lying in wait to strike…
