

Motive (S1)
動機至上:《夢魘殺魔》(Dexter)與《超感警探》(The Mentalist)的製作團隊攜手製作,歷史悠久的罪案調查影集類型有了全新面貌。《犯罪動機》的每集開頭先為觀眾呈現一位殺手的身份,接著深入探討每件命案的動機原因,劇情重點不著重在找尋罪犯身份上,而是動機本身。本劇以奇特的敘事手法,過去回溯與當下時空交錯,焦躁易怒的探員Angie Flynn與同事Oscar Vega必須抽絲剝繭,拼湊所有的線索,呈現兇手的犯罪動機, 讓正義得以伸張。由克莉斯汀里曼(《謀殺》The Killing)與路易斯費雷拉(《菜鳥警察》Rookie Blue)領銜主演,本劇完美結合黑色幽默與駭人的犯罪現場,和劇中的美麗女主角共同打造令人上癮的迷人魅力。

Whydunit: From the executive producer of Dexter and The Mentalist comes a TV series that puts a fresh new spin on the age-old crime genre. With the killer revealed at the start of each episode, Motive delves into the why of the crime, and not the who. Told through a unique narrative that alternates between flashbacks and present time, join feisty Detective Angie Flynn and her partner, Detective Oscar Vega, as they piece together clues and get justice by uncovering murderous motivations. Starring Kristin Lehman (The Killing) and Louis Ferreira (Rookie Blue), Motive is the perfect blend of dark humour and grisly crime scenes that is as disarmingly charming as its heroine.


角色介紹 Characters

Detective Angie Flynn

Kristin Lehman

基本背景:一位單親媽媽,和兒子Manny在充滿勞工的地區租房子。她開老式汽車Oldsmobile Hurst,沒有CD音響沒有藍芽傳輸。她按自己的方式過活,是個好嗎媽媽和好警探。

• A single mom, Angie lives with her teenage son, Manny, in a rented house in a working class neighbourhood.
• She drives a “classic” Oldsmobile Hurst, no CD player, no Bluetooth.
• Angie lives her life on her terms. She’s a good mom and a great homicide detective.

• Angie barrels through investigations like a semi-truck, impulsively saying whatever comes to her mind to whomever she’s speaking to.
• Experience has taught her to ignore the party line and pay attention to that nagging feeling in her gut instead.
• She’s always had a soft spot for the underdog, and spends more time caring and fighting for others than she does for herself.
• Taking her at face value, suspects often make the mistake of believing they’re smarter than her and that they can outwit her.

• A sixth sense when it comes to bullshit. She knows when a perp is lying, and she can smell when something’s not right.
• The hard knocks of her life have made her tough, resilient, and determined not to give up.
• She learns from every mistake, every bad relationship, and every job.
• While Angie may be a force of nature, she’s also caring, a dangerous combination for a criminal desperately trying to hide the truth of their crime.

Detective Brian Lucas

Brendan Penny


• Lucas is the youngest Detective Trainee on the force.
• He spent a few years in the Financial Crimes Division and recently graduated to detective.

• He’s an eager beaver, a gentleman with a gentle nature,, and a few quirks.
• His open naiveté and natural innocence make him the butt of good-natured ribbing from the rest of his colleagues.
• Lucas doesn’t understand Angie or her methods, but something tells him he can learn a lot from her.

• Where most detective rookies would recoil in disgust or discomfort at an autopsy, Lucas is fascinated and curious about the grisly procedures.

Detective Oscar Vega

Louis Ferreira


• Angie’s partner Oscar comes from money and privilege. His father is a wealthy industrialist. His mother is a neurosurgeon.
• Turning his back on an expensive Ivy League education, Oscar decided to join the police force. It was on the force that Oscar felt he could have the most impact, and inspire and effect the greatest social change. 

• It’s clear that regardless of her style, Oscar respects Angie both as a person and a fellow officer.

• Oscar is intelligent, thoughtful, and methodical.
• When partnered with Angie on a homicide investigation, Oscar is the yin to her yang.
• Like most great teams, together these two are greater than the sum of their individual parts.

Staff Sergeant Boyd Bloom

Roger Cross

基本背景:是一個吃力不討好的角色,組長Boyd Bloom感覺就像是一位有位階的保母。幾年前一顆子彈讓他無法執行原本熱愛的勤務。現在他坐鎮指揮,調度探員。麾下有Angie這樣不太受控的人員,對他來說總是個挑戰。

• In a thankless role, Staff Sergeant Boyd Bloom often feels like a glorified babysitter.
• A few years ago, a bullet sidelined Boyd from the fieldwork he loved. Now he’s deskbound and in charge of scheduling the detectives.
• Having a wild card like Angie on his roster is always a challenge.

• He thinks Angie’s a good cop, but also thinks she’s too much of a loose cannon. She may have luck on her side now, but one of these days it’s going to run out.
• Boyd is responsible for partnering Angie up with Vega. He knows that their respective skillsets complement each other.

• Boyd is well aware of the dangers of fieldwork, and knows that rules and proper procedure are there for a reason.

Dr. Betty Rogers

Lauren Holly

基本背景:法醫Betty Rogers發揮自身才能,尊重自身專業,善待死者。對她來說,人們死後反而比較有趣。因為他們無法遮掩,他們的秘密在她的解剖刀下無所遁形。
公事方面:法醫Betty Rogers擁有古怪可愛的幽默感,和她所處的冰冷職場有點不搭,但她為這解剖調查工作帶來溫暖和幽默。

• Medical examiner Dr. Betty Rogers decided to focus her talents where they could do the most good, with the dead.
• To her, people are never more interesting than after they’ve died. That’s when they’re truly vulnerable, when all their secrets are laid bare under her scalpel.

• Dr. Betty Rogers has a quirky sense of humour that belies the grimness of her daily job.
• She brings a warmth and humanity to the visceral challenges of being a medical examiner.

• Betty is a true ally in Angie’s corner, and applies her years of experience and clinical insights to help the detective and her team get to the truth.

Manny Flynn

Cameron Bright


• Angie’s son, Manny, is one of the few things in her life she feels she did right.
• As far as Manny’s concerned, being the son of a cop is not the easiest gig in the world. There are a lot of parties he doesn’t get invited to, and his friends get really weird when they come over to the house.
• Whenever Manny becomes curious about who his father is, Angie tells him it’s not a pretty story, and quickly changes the subject.

• In short, Manny’s your average seventeen-year-old boy, a human cyclone of hormones, insecurities, joy, fear.