MOD 380


Haha Tai-ke Show
2016/8/3起 每週三20:30首播

COMEDY CENTRAL爆笑頻道全新節目《哈哈台客秀》網羅全台最頂尖的原創趣味短片製作團隊,嚴選他們在網路瘋傳的搞笑內容,讓大家透過家中電視機螢幕也能感受在地的台式笑料。頑Game、好毛製作、哈哈台、脫力系人生小品、什麼東西LK Show、眾量級、痞子紳士等,各家製造歡笑創作者以他們不同的幽默風格,默默地替台灣的市井小民發聲,為大家忙碌的生活增添無限樂趣。

The Brand New Series “Haha Tai-ke Show” on COMEDY CENTRAL, gathering the most creative team that focusing on produce online funny videos in Taiwan. They are here to spread the unique sense of humor only Made In Taiwan. “Haha Tai-ke Show” selected the best of their already viral funny clips, Sonow you can see them all at once on TV! Theselaughter generatorsinclude playmallgames, Haomao Productions, HahaTai, Peeping Life Azirian, LK Show, Crowd and JNIF, they bring various styles of jokes on the table, and transcript Taiwan humor with very own interpretations.
