MOD 380


Comedy Central Presents Stand-Up, Asia!
喜劇不但可以穿越藩籬,單口相聲在亞洲的觀眾群更是日益增加。為了滿足熱愛機智笑點的觀眾,喜劇頻道為您獻上Stand-Up, Asia! 將聚光燈焦點投向24位才華洋溢亞洲喜劇能手,包括了國際知名的Ron Josol (加拿大), Atsuko Okatsuka (美國), Chris Wright (泰國), Daniel Fernandes (印度), Douglas Lim (馬來西亞), GB Labrador (菲律賓), Mo Sidik (印尼), Rishi Budhrani (新加坡), Vivek Mahbubani (香港)等等。這個分為8個短篇的節目是在東南亞最大的喜劇俱樂部現場錄製的。話題從功夫、印度父母,一直到與亞裔女人約會的殘酷事實等等只有亞洲人能真正領略的有趣笑點。
十月近距離特寫《爆笑頻道脫口秀亞洲瘋》!我們將帶來前八集超重點—你的強打又是什麼呢? 亞洲老媽子的「你嘛幫幫忙約會密技」絕對不容錯過!除了我們已經知道的Tinder(也許是別的)潛規則,這一季還有更精采的等在後頭!
Comedy transcends all boundaries and the fast growing popularity of stand-up comedy in this part of the world is a real phenomenon. Catered to an audience looking for fast, genuine laughs, Comedy Central Presents Stand-Up, Asia! places the spotlight on 24 of the most talented Asian comics, including international comics Ron Josol (CANADA), Atsuko Okatsuka (U.S.A.), Chris Wright (TH), Daniel Fernandes (INDIA), Douglas Lim (MY), GB Labrador (PH), Mo Sidik (INDO), Rishi Budhrani (SG), Vivek Mahbubani (HK) and many more. This 8-part short series is shot in front of a live audience at Southeast Asia's biggest comedy club, LOL @ Live House located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Expect spills about kungfu, Indian parents and the brutal truth of what it’s like to date a Chinese girl and other jokes and observations which only us Asians will truly appreciate.
As Comedy Central Stand-Up, Asia! comes to a close this October, we are highlighting the best bits from the first 8 episodes - what’s on your ‘hit’ list? For us, it has to be the Asian mom jokes together with their oh-so-helpful dating ‘tips’. Now that we’ve learnt the rules of Tinder (or not), we can’t wait for the next season to come!
