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貴氣又神祕的 Alexander Grayson化身為美國企業家出現在十九世紀的倫敦,在維多利亞時代推動現代科技。這樣的身分成功掩飾駭人的事實: Grayson的真正身份與意圖。他真正的身分是德古拉,回到歐洲復仇,尋找曾經擊敗他,詛咒他成為吸血鬼不死之軀的仇人。 本影集由受到高度肯定的金獎影集《唐頓莊園》製作團隊出品,敬請鎖定觀賞帥氣迷人的Jonathan Rhys Meyers (影集《都鐸王朝》和電影《把愛找回來》)飾演主角,絕對是本年度最性感又最駭人的角色之一。

Love never dies: And neither does hate. Debonair, aristocratic and mysterious; Alexander Grayson arrives in 19th century London as an American entrepreneur, advocating modern science to Victorian society. Beneath this guise however, lies a far more terrifying truth about Grayson’s identity and intentions: he is Dracula, and he has come to Europe to seek revenge on those who had previously defeated him and cursed him with immortality. From the producers of the highly acclaimed Downton Abbey, watch heartthrob
 Jonathan Rhys Meyers (The Tudors, August Rush) take on the titular role in what is shaping up to be one of the sexiest, most thrilling dramas of the year.


角色介紹 Characters

R.M. Renfield

Nonso Anozie

他的劇場作品常巡演全世界,包括紐約、洛杉磯、巴黎、羅馬、香港、馬德里、雪梨、莫斯科和倫敦。電影作品包括Joe Wright的《贖罪》(Atonement)、Mike Leigh的"Happy Go Lucky"、《王者之劍》(Conan the Barbarian)、《即刻獵殺》(The Grey)、《布萊登棒棒糖》(Brighton Rock)和《搖滾黑幫》(RocknRolla)。

Anozie trained at London's Central School of Speech and Drama and became the youngest person in history to play King Lear for the Royal Shakespeare Company. He then played opposite Kenneth Branagh as the Prisoner in David Mamet's "Edmond" at the National Theatre. Anozie won worldwide acclaim as the title role in Cheek by Jowl's world tour of "Othello." He also played the lead in "Death and the King's Horseman" at the National.  Anozie's theater career has seen him play at minor venues all over the world, including New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Rome, Hong Kong, Madrid, Sydney, Moscow and London.  His film work includes roles in Joe Wright's "Atonement," Mike Leigh's "Happy Go Lucky," "Conan the Barbarian," "The Grey," "Brighton Rock,"and "RocknRolla".

Lady Jayne Wetherby

Victoria Smurfit

愛爾蘭女演員Victoria Smurfit為英國影壇深受喜愛的女星,曾被《綜藝》週刊譽為「愛爾蘭尤物」,演出本劇Jane女士一角,絕對要美國觀眾感到驚艷,和男主角性感火辣的對手戲保證將吸吮觀眾的喜愛。由金獎影集《唐頓莊園》製片團隊傾力製作,Smurfit演出堅毅的Jane女士一角,在階層分明的維多利亞倫敦社會和,心懷復仇計畫的德古拉假扮的美國企業家Alexander Grayson將發展出一段致命的危險關係。

Irish actress Victoria Smurfit, already a beloved presence on British television and film whom Variety once called an "Irish stunner," is set to make a weekly impression on American viewers as Lady Jayne in the upcoming NBC drama "Dracula," as deeply as her series co-star Jonathan Rhys Meyers is certain to make an indentation on necks.  In the series, from the producers of "Downton Abbey," Smurfit plays the upstanding Lady Jayne amid the stratified world of Victorian London as Dracula covertly returns, posing as American entrepreneur Alexander Grayson, to seek revenge on those who ruined his life centuries ago.

Lucy Westenra

Katie McGrath

美麗的新生代女星Katie McGrath因之前幾部電視和電影作品而已經受到國際影壇矚目。2013將有許多令人興奮的新作,而被視為她的事業突破的關鍵一年。包括英國Channel 4的影集’’Dates”,影集《皮囊》(Skins)的劇作家Bryan Elsey再次出手的新作。她最為人熟知的角色為BBC全球賣座影集《梅林傳奇》(Merlin)當中的美麗壞女巫Morgana一角,是尤瑟王所收養,性情反覆無常,具有靈力的女侍。此劇為出品的製作公司Shine目前為膾炙人口的作品。已經賣出超過150個國家的版權。

Beautiful up-and-coming actress Katie McGrath already has an international profile due to her work across film and television. She is set to have a breakthrough year in 2013 with several exciting new projects on the horizon.  She can currently be seen in the new Channel 4 drama "Dates." Written by "Skins" creator Bryan Elsey.  Katie is best known for her role in the BBC's global hit show "Merlin." Set in the mythical kingdom of Albion, Katie plays Morgana, the feisty and spirited orphaned ward of King Uther. The series was one of the most successful for its production company, Shine, and has been sold to over 150 countries since its original release.

Abraham Van Helsing

Thomas Kretschmann

Thomas Kretschmann為德國男演員,多次演出歐洲和好萊塢電影和電視作品。在出道當演員前,他曾受訓要成為奧運游泳選手。二十歲時他逃離東德,度過一段慘澹困頓的日子。最後逃過了四道邊界,來到了西柏林,在德國著名的Schiller劇院開始他的演員生涯。1993年以德國電影” Stalingrad”的中尉Hans Von Witzland一角,開始他的電影事業,此後演出了超過五十部電影。因演出導演羅曼波蘭斯基的奧斯卡金獎電影《戰地琴人》(The Pianist)當中的Wilm Hosenfeld一角而獲得國際影壇矚目。之後演出魔戒大導彼得傑克森的賣座鉅片《金剛》。

Thomas Kretschmann is a German actor known for his roles in both European and Hollywood cinema and television. Before he became an actor, Kretschmann trained to be an Olympic swimmer. At the age of 20, he fled East Germany and endured a precarious month-long ordeal of unyielding challenges and uncertainty. Finally reaching West Berlin after crossing four borders, he settled there and began his acting career as a member of Germany's prestigious Schiller Theater.  Thomas made his feature film screen debut as Lieutenant Hans Von Witzland in the 1993 German film "Stalingrad" and has since had roles in more than 50 feature films. He first gained recognition as a Hollywood actor for his heralded performance as Wilm Hosenfeld in Roman Polanski's Oscar-winning film "The Pianist" and later moved on to a role in Peter Jackson's blockbuster adaptation of "King Kong."

Mina Murray/Ilona

Jessica De Gouw

脫穎而出的影壇新秀。和金球獎最佳男主角強納森萊斯梅爾一同演出本劇,飾演神似德古拉過世前妻的Mina一角。故事背景發生在19世紀末葉的倫敦,Alexander Grayson(強納森飾)的企業家致力於將現代科技帶到當時的維多利亞時期的社會,但同時計畫要對當時封印他的仇人復仇。一切都如計畫進行,直到有天遇見長相神似前妻的美麗女子Mina。Jessica其他的電視作品包括,演出DW影集《綠箭俠》當中,和Stephen Amell一同演出對手戲的Helena Bertinelli一角。

sought after young talents.  She stars as Mina Murray opposite Golden Globe winner Jonathan Rhys Meyers as one of the world's most iconic characters, Dracula. The show takes place in late 19th century London and follows Alexander Grayson's (Meyers) interest in bringing modern science to Victorian society, while simultaneously planning his revenge on those who cursed him with immortality. Everything seems to be going according to plan, until he becomes infatuated with Mina (De Gouw), who appears to be a reincarnation of his dead wife.  Jessica's other television credits include her role as Helena Bertinelli, also known as The Huntress, on CW's hit show "Arrow," opposite Stephen Amell.

Jonathan Harker

Oliver Jackson Cohen

英國演員,曾演出多部電視和電影作品。在英國曾演出多部備受觀眾喜愛的影集。包括BBC時代劇,改編自Flora Thompson自傳小說的” Lark Rise to Candleford”的Philip White一角。之後他到Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute進修,並搬到紐約繼續攻讀關於演出的學業。在美國他主演一部獨立製作電影” Life and Death at 17",和珍妮佛勞倫斯與李察吉爾一同演出。他近期最為人熟知的角色是演出獲得艾美獎提名的ITV影集 ”Mr. Selfridge”當中的畫家Roddy Temple一角。

Oliver Jackson-Cohen is a British actor with a wealth of experience in television and film.  Thus far in his career, Oliver has starred in some of the best-loved television dramas in the U.K. In his first major television role, he played lead character Philip White on the BBC's period drama "Lark Rise to Candleford," an adaptation of Flora Thompson's autobiographical novel. Following this, he was accepted into the Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute and relocated to New York to continue his studies as an actor. In his first audition there, he landed the lead role for the independent feature film "Life and Death at 17" and starred opposite Jennifer Lawrence and Richard Gere.  He is widely known for his role as painter Roddy Temple in ITV's Emmy Award-nominated "Mr. Selfridge ".

Dracula/Alexander Grayson

Jonathan Rhys Meyers

生於都柏林,強納森萊斯梅爾出道作為電影《無名小卒》(A Man of No Importance)。然而直到1998年和伊旺麥奎格和克里斯汀貝爾一同演出《絲絨金礦》(Velvet Goldmine),他才獲得國際影壇矚目,獲得倫敦影評圈獎項。曾以演出大導演伍迪艾倫的《愛情決勝點》(Match Point)而受到各界好評。該片入圍三項金球獎,包括最佳影片等獎項。在電視作品部分,曾因主演2005年CBS迷你影集”Elvis”而榮獲金球獎迷你影集最佳男主角和入圍艾美獎。而2008年和2009年因主演Showtime影集《都鐸王朝》(The Tudors)的主角亨利八世,而獲得最佳男演員獎項提名。本劇是他睽違數年後再次當綱主演的影集作品。

Born in Dublin, Rhys Meyers made his film debut in "A Man of No Importance." However, it was his starring role in Todd Haynes' 1998 feature "Velvet Goldmine," with Ewan McGregor and Christian Bale, which garnered him international attention and a London Film Critics' Circle Award.  Rhys Meyers also earned critical acclaim for his role in the Woody Allen film "Match Point." Dubbed Allen's comeback film, the movie was nominated for three Golden Globes, including Best Drama.  On the small screen, Rhys Meyers won a Golden Globe and was Emmy-nominated for his work in the 2005 CBS miniseries "Elvis." He was Globe-nominated in 2008 and 2009 for his portrayal of Henry VIII in Showtime's series "The Tudors."