MOD 620


Candid Camera (S1)
原創的笑料一籮筐隱藏攝影機實境節目回來了! 全新的主持人Peter Funt(本節目原創者兼主持人Allen Funt的兒子)與Mayim Bialik(《生活大爆炸》擔綱演出Amy)保證讓你歡樂無限! 
The original hidden camera practical joke reality series is back! With brand new hosts, Peter Funt (son of Allen Funt, the original host and creator of Candid Camera) and Mayim Bialik (best known for her role as Amy in The Big Bang Theory), you know you’re in for a good time! 


角色介紹 Characters

Peter Funt

演員、主持人和製作人,本節目原創者兼主持人Allen Funt的兒子。
An actor, host and producer, the son of Allen Funt, the original host and creator of "Candid Camera".