MOD 264


Abducted: The Carlina White Story

卡琳娜懷特(帕爾默)還是嬰兒的時候在紐約的一家醫院被安佩特韋(愛麗絲)誘拐。佩特韋曾多次流產,她發瘋般地想要一個自己的孩子。數年來,喬伊和卡爾瘋狂地四處尋找自己的女兒,而佩特韋則在康涅狄格州的布里奇波特將卡琳娜養大,該地距紐約市僅45英里。Abducted: The Carlina White Story tells how Carlina White (Palmer) was abducted as an infant from a New York hospital by Ann Pettway (Ellis), who had suffered a series of miscarriages and was desperate for a child of her own. While Joy and Carl desperately searched for their daughter over the years, Pettway was raising Carlina in Bridgeport, Connecticut-- a mere 45 miles from New York City.