MOD 258


History Drama: Sons Of Liberty
2015年5月25日-27日 每週一到每週三晚間9點首播
山姆亞當斯、約翰漢考克、約翰亞當斯、保羅瑞維爾、約瑟夫瓦倫醫生 - 這些傳奇人物被譽為《自由之子》,他們的名字伴隨著自由之聲久久回蕩。這些年輕的激進分子有著不同的背景,他們站起來對抗殖民者的壓迫,組織地下抗議行動,震撼國民,並領導了一場偉大的革命,最終以戰爭締造了全新的民主國家。
SONS OF LIBERTY follows a defiant and radical group of young men–Sam Adams, John Adams, Paul Revere, John Hancock and Dr. Joseph Warren–as they band together in secrecy to change the course of history and make America a nation.  Before America was one nation, an aging generation of British loyalists maintained diplomacy with the King, but a defiant and radical group of young men would band together in secrecy to change the course of history. Sam Adams, John Adams, Paul Revere, John Hancock and Dr. Joseph Warren. Together, they were The Sons of Liberty. Though their names have become American legend, few realize that this group of young radicals didn't start as noble patriots. They were a new American generation of young men from varied backgrounds trying to figure out what to do with their lives. What began as a small testing of authority would become an underground protest movement, inciting the British to respond with totalitarian tactics, cracking down on the colonies and instituting a near police state to maintain order. But after blood was spilled at the Boston Massacre, the Sons of Liberty rallied support for a larger cause. The Sons became guerilla warriors working underground, establishing spy networks, stockpiling weapons and planning covert actions - from the Boston Tea Party to the Battle of Lexington and Concord - that would lead to a declaration of independence and the greatest fight for freedom the world has ever seen.
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