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傲骨賢妻 第3季

The Good Wife (S3)

別以名取人: 熱門影集《傲骨賢妻》第3季將於1日5日與大家見面,將於一個嶄新的黃金時段播出。艾美獎最佳女主角 Julianna Margulies 飾演政客妻子Alicia Florrick。她回到自己舊有的工作崗位,擔任辯護律師。第3季裡, Alicia 及 Will 終於認定自己的感覺,不過他們能否發展出完美的結局? Will的前女友,Celeste (曾主演《豪斯醫生》的Lisa Edelstein飾演) 將會出現,在他們中間煽風點火,並揭露Will不光彩的過去。敬請收看Grace的古怪導師及Zach揭發Peter曾與很多女人有過性關係。


Don’t let the name fool you: The sensationally scandalous third season of The Good Wife returns on January 5th and it’s too saucy for primetime. Emmy-award winning actress Julianna Margulies plays Alicia Florrick, the wife of a shamed States Attorney who returns to her original career as a defense attorney. In the third season, Alicia and Will have finally done something about those longing stares but will they have a fairlytale ending? Will’s ex, Celeste, (played by House star Lisa Edelstein) makes an appearance with a mission to stir up trouble and remind us all of Will’s not so shiny past. Watch out for Grace’s very kooky tutor and Zach’s revelation that Peter slept with other women.


角色介紹 Characters

Peter Florrick

Chris Noth


A back-slapping Bill Clinton: smart, funny, calculatedly seductive. Even in prison, he’s still handsome, impressive. Like most ambitious men, he thinks scandal is just a speed-bump on the road to success. We come to like him, but we also continue to be wary of him—and wonder why Alicia doesn’t divorce him. We’re often unsure of Peter’s motives, but we’re never unsure of his love for his kids.

Grace Florrick

Makenzie Vega


She’s had a harder time than Zach with the post-scandal fallout, partly because she takes the taunts at school more seriously and partly because of her boundless admiration for her father. The higher you hold someone, the farther they have to fall.

Eli Gold

Alan Cumming

Eli Gold是Peter Florrick的競選幕僚,人稱「戰略軍師」。一位從芝加哥街頭運動竄起的政治鬥士,越是黑暗骯髒,越是能夠大展身手,達到目的。有話直說,包括髒話,但很會彈鋼琴。

Eli Gold is Peter Florrick's campaign advisor, one with a reputation as a wartime consigliere. A tough up-from-the-Chicago-streets political in-fighter, he is at his best when it’s dirtiest. He speaks his mind, tends toward the expletive and is a classically trained pianist.

Kalinda Sharma

Archie Panjabi


An East Indian stunner. Bollywood Erin Brockovich. No-nonsense, independent, a cool temperament, nonchalantly bisexual. She investigates for all the lawyers—Will, Diane and Cary—but she continues to work the best with Alicia, taking her under her wing. As different as the two are, they become good work friends—which is odd for Kalinda; she rarely makes friends.

Cary Agos

Matt Czuchry


Bright and shiny Harvard grad and Alicia’s competition. Cary only has one ball to juggle—work. Alicia has a half dozen—husband, kids, in-laws, homework, school. Cary is a Machiavellian opponent who always knows what buttons to push. And sometimes, that’s exactly who you need on your side.

Diane Lockhart

Christine Baranski


A tough and smart feminist. Dresses like a million bucks. The top litigator in town. Diane has deeply held beliefs about the power of women in the workplace. She’s made a slew of life sacrifices in order to shatter the “glass ceiling” for other women; and Alicia, in her mind, was an “opt-out mum”—someone who gave up career to raise a family.

Will Gardner

Josh Charles


A guy’s guy. Will is Alicia’s defender at work. He hired her when nobody else would. He argues with Diane about her capabilities, but it’s partly personal, partly professional. Will sees Alicia is the States Attorney’s Achilles Heel. One of the “Top 50 Chicago Bachelors,” Will makes it all look easy-- life, law, sex.

Alicia Florrick

Julianna Margulies


Alicia’s always been the good girl -- the good girl who became the good wife, then the good mum: devoted and struggling not to outshine her husband. With her husband in jail, and after a thirteen-year absence, Alicia re-enters the workforce starting at the bottom as a junior associate. But Alicia is far from a super-lawyer. She loses cases, she makes mistakes, but her saving grace is always her affinity for her clients. She knows what it’s like to be misjudged.