MOD 620

無照律師 第6季

Suits (S6)
2016/1/26起 每週四15:00首播,20:00精采重播

《無照律師》堂堂推出第六季,充滿更多的驚悚案件與意外發展。Mike Ross面臨兩年的監獄刑期,事務所其他夥伴,將聯手合作突破困境,還是各尋棲身枝頭,各自發展呢?欲知答案,敬請鎖定觀賞最新一季。

"Suits" returns for a sixth season full of even more thrilling cases. With Mike Ross currently facing a two-year prison sentence, will the rest of the firm regroup and band together to overcome the challenges ahead or will they go their own separate ways? Find out in Suits. 



角色介紹 Characters

Harvey Specter

Gabriel Macht
從來不遵守既定規範,Harvey Specter靠獨特的手段在業界闖出名號。無論是搭訕雞尾酒女服務生、從目擊證人下手甚至是恐嚇企業CEO,Harvey敢言直率的風格使他成為一名實力堅強且聰明機智的律師,本季失去Donna的他能重新振作嗎?
Harvey Specter has built a career and reputation by breaking the rules. Whether it’s picking up cocktail waitresses, inspiring witnesses or bullying CEOs, Harvey’s shoot-from-the-hip style has made him an effective lawyer and a slick character. After Donna abandoned him, can he put himself back again?

Jessica Pearson

Gina Torres
Jessica Pearson可能是最令你畏懼的對手或是最令你頭痛的盟友,為了事務所,她會不計一切代價捍衛!
Jessica Pearson can be your best enemy or your worst friend. For the firm, she would fight for it at any cost!