
法網中間人 第2季

Fairly Legal (S2)
回到遊戲: 像鳳凰一樣從灰燼中升起,Kate 不會停滯得太久。她在新一季遇到棘手的衝突,而與即將成為她前夫的Justin的關係亦轉趨惡劣。Kate雖然擁有三吋不爛之舌,但面對與Justin的變化,以及 Reed & Reed律師行正面臨危機時, Kate似乎也毫無辦法。
Back in the game: Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Kate doesn't stay down for long. She’s back in the saddle for a brand new season of complex conflicts and delicious, tension-filled chemistry with her soon-to-be ex-husband Justin. But when Kate and Justin’s relationship goes belly-up fast, and when the Reed & Reed firm finds itself on shaky ground, even Kate’s swift.


角色介紹 Characters

Kate Reed

Sarah Shahi
Sarah Shahi 是充滿力量的演出者,她曾是達拉斯牛仔足球隊的啦啦隊隊長。 她在The L Word.中飾演墨西哥及美國血統的DJ Carmen de la Pica Morales 而成名。她亦在電視節目Alias and Dawson’s Creek中演出。之後擔任本劇女主角Kate。
Sarah Shahi has always been a high-energy performer; she started out as a cheerleader for the Dallas Cowboys football team. She is best known for her role as the Mexican-American DJ Carmen de la Pica Morales in the The L Word. She also had recurring roles in TV series such as Alias and Dawson’s Creek before landing her big break as Kate in Fairly Legal.

Justin Patrick

Michael Trucco
Michael Trucco 在戲劇學院獲得大學學位,在San Francisco Bay Area工作了數年,之後為達成遠大理想而前往洛杉磯工作。他在A Few Good Men 的演出,引起了經理人對他的興趣,以及開始在電影及電視螢幕上發熱發亮。他亦在 Beverly Hills 90210,飾演 Josh Hunter,令他獲得大眾歡迎。
Michael Trucco graduated with a B.A. in Theatre Arts and worked in the San Francisco Bay Area for a couple of years until the desire to reach for bigger parts drove him to Los Angeles. His appearance in A Few Good Men caught the attention of a talent manager and thus began his upward climb in film and television. He also had a recurring role as Josh Hunter on Beverly Hills 90210, which brought him the recognition he sought.

Ben Grogan

Ryan Johnson
Johnson是位澳洲演員,1999年從昆士蘭科技大學的藝術學院畢業後,他就馬不停蹄地拍戲。曾演出多部成功的澳洲影集,包括 “Head Start”, “The Secret Life of Us”, “Underbelly”, “Satisfaction”, “Out of The Blue”, “Rake”和 “Laid”。
Johnson is an Australian actor who has worked endlessly since graduating from the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Academy of the Arts in 1999. He has been in many successful Australian television series including "Head Start," "The Secret Life of Us," "Underbelly," "Satisfaction," "Out of The Blue," "Rake" and "Laid."

Lauren Reed

Virginia Wiilliams
Virginia Wiilliams 是電視演員,相信大家不會對她的名字陌生。她在Monarch Cove 演出為她帶來知名度,也是How I Met Your Mother 其中一名固定班底。她亦曾在多部電視劇客串,包括 Mentalist、Rules of Engagement 及 Two and a Half Men。
Virginia Wiilliams is no stranger to television with over two dozen roles to her name. Her television credits include a starring role in Monarch Cove and appeared in a recurring role on How I Met Your Mother. She also had numerous guest appearances on television shows such as The Mentalist, Rules of Engagement and Two and a Half Men.

Leonardo Prince

Baron Vaughn
演員/喜劇演員Baron Vaughn 在美國多間喜劇學會有多次演出。他曾在電視劇法網遊龍中參演,亦有在J.J. Abrams的末世凶煞.中飾演一角。
Actor/comedian Baron Vaughn started out as a stand-up comedian and performed at comedy clubs around America. He has also appeared in television shows such as Law & Order, as well as feature films like J.J. Abrams’ Cloverfield.