MOD 620

梅林傳奇 第5季

Merlin (S5)
曾經希望你的男人長大?那麼你必定喜歡新一季的梅林傳奇。年輕的Arthur 王子長大了,戴上象徵著權力的Regent皇冠,而梅林亦變得充滿信心,揮舞著他的魔杖。不過梅林並不知道艱難挑戰就在眼前,他將失去一直支持他的導師,而Morgana亦將 Arthur甚至全世界的未來陷入的危機。除非作出重大的犧牲,否則難以恢復世界和平……  。

Welcome to adulthood: Ever wished your man would just grow up? Then you’ll love the newest season of Merlin. Leap forward in time to find hunky young Prince Arthur all grown up, wearing the Regent’s crown with authority (and a little manly swagger). Even quiet Merlin is waving his, ehem, wand with more confidence. But Merlin doesn’t know that he’s about to face his toughest challenge ever, as he loses a valuable mentor and Morgana puts Arthur’s future—and the world itself—in mortal peril. Only an unimaginable sacrifice can restore balance… but is Merlin prepared to cross the line that separates the men from the boys?


角色介紹 Characters


Angel Coulby

Gwen(Angel Coulby飾)是位女僕,但她擁有勇敢高尚的精神,儘管地位懸殊和她的主人Morgana結為好友。

Gwen(Angel Coulby)might only be a servant but she is noble of heart and counts her mistress Morgana as a close friend, despite the difference in their station. Gwen is short for Guinevere.


Katie McGrath

Uther國王的女巫,自幼遭人遺棄,Morgana(Katie McGrath飾)是個爭強好勝,活潑外向的女子,是王國裡的第一美人。她不計任何代價捍衛她深信的人事物,不是她的好友…,或是可怕的敵人。

The orphaned ward of King Uther, Morgana(Katie McGrath) is a feisty, spirited girl and her beauty is without equal in the kingdom. She is ruthless in defending what she believes in, a great friend... and a terrifying enemy.



Richard Wilson

Camelot王國的皇家御醫,Gaius(Richard Wilson飾)備受國王信任。但他同時也是梅林的監護人並且是唯一知道他祕密的人。Gaius運用他無與倫比的知識幫助這個年輕的巫師保護王國的安全。

As Camelot's humble court physician, Gaius(Richard Wilson飾) is a trusted advisor to the King. But he is also Merlin's guardian and the only one who know his secret. Gaius uses his unparalleled knowledge to help the young warlock keep the kingdom safe.


亞瑟王子 Prince Arthur

Bradley James

長相英俊和擁有與生俱來的戰鬥能力的王子,亞瑟王子(Bradley James飾)一出生就註定要繼承Uther的王位,而Camelot王國的未來是他必須扛起的責任。

Blessed with good looks and outstanding fighting ability, Prince Arthur(Bradley James) is heir to Uther's throne and has the future of Camelot on his shoulders.

梅林 Merlin

Colin Morgan

梅林(Colin Morgan飾)長大後有朝一日會成為世界最偉大最知名的巫師。而現在他只是個居住在Camelot王國的少年,擔任亞瑟王子的僕人隨從。梅林必須暗中使用他的魔法幫助亞瑟和保衛王國的安全。

Merlin(Colin Morgan) will one day grow up to be the greatest wizard the world will ever know. For now he's just a young man, living in Camelot and working as Prince Arthur's manservant. Merlin must secretly use his magic to keep Arthur and the kingdom safe.