MOD 620

魅力克里夫蘭 第3季

Hot in Cleveland S3
熟女們大好:克里夫蘭的更年期熟女們將回歸新一季。混亂由Elka (Betty White飾)開始,她一時有多名男子選擇,不只兩名,而是三名: 包括她心目中已死 去的前夫Bobby、舊男友Max及新歡Fred。另外,與Joy已「結婚」的Victoria透過其假女同性戀者身份增加名氣,在一個談話節目中出現,並前往招待同性戀者的郵輪擔任講者。Joy更與知名足球員及模特兒建立關係,而一名26歲的男人深信Joy是26歲青春少女(只因為他是失明人士)。這可能是人生五十才開始的的新定義。


Ladies with an attitude, fellows that are in the mood: Cleveland’s menopausal mamas are back for another season of hormonal hilarity. The mayhem kicks off with Elka (Betty White) made to choose between not two, but three men: her formerly dead ex-husband Bobby, old flame Max and new boyfriend Fred. (All women should be so lucky.) Now “married” to Joy, Victoria uses her fake lesbian status to feed her thirst for fame, by appearing on a talk show and going on a gay cruise as a resource speaker. Plus, flings with hot footballers, hand models, and a 26 year-old man who believes Joy is 26 (only because he’s blind). Maybe 50 (plus) really is the new 20.



角色介紹 Characters

Elka Ostrovsky

Betty White

守舊寡婦Elka Ostrovsky (Betty White飾, The Golden Girls) 是一個自以為是及牙尖嘴利的房屋主管,她住在克里夫蘭的客人小屋,把房屋租給洛杉磯來的女人。Elka於波蘭出生,為了逃避納粹黨而出走到美國。當一群客人來到她的家中,Elka快快改變她們的飲食習慣及不提供有機食物,取而代之是芝士薯條。在不久的將來,Elka會與新的同屋伙伴一同約會。

Old-school widower Elka Ostrovsky (Betty White, The Golden Girls) is the opinionated and outspoken caretaker who lives in the guest cottage of the Cleveland home that the L.A. ladies rent. Elka was born in Poland and made her way to America after she escaped from the Nazis. When her new houseguests arrive Elka quickly dissolves their diet of healthy and organic foods with a replacement of cheese fries. And it’s not long before Elka is back on the dating scene with her new housemates.

Joy Scoggs

Jane Leeves

Joy Scroggs 曾在20多歲時訂過婚,15歲時曾產下一子,並送給人領養。而如今40多歲的她表面上是憤世疾俗、厭世悲觀,實則內心脆弱浪漫。她與Elka難以相處,互相看不順眼,或許是她們有太多相同之處。

Joy Scroggs (Jane Leeves, Frasier) has had an eventful life. She was engaged in her 20s and left at the altar, and had a baby at 15 but gave him up for adoption. Now in her 40s, Joy is judgmental and tells it like it is. She might come across as cynical and pessimistic, but deep down she is vulnerable and an utter romantic. Joy has a hard time getting along with caretaker Elka and the two have a mutual dislike towards one another, perhaps because they actually have a lot in common.

Victoria Chase

Wendie Malick

洛杉磯的肥皂劇女星 Victoria Chase (Wendie Malick飾, Just Shoot Me!) 喜歡成為眾人的焦點,她在剛剛被腰斬的劇集”Edge of Tomorrow “飾演Honor St. Raven長達27年。她離過5次婚,領養了三個小孩(怕影響身材不生孩子)及一名孫兒,Victoria可以是表面開心。50多歲的她可能非常自戀,但當朋友有難之時她總能提供支援。

LA soap star Victoria Chase (Wendie Malick, Just Shoot Me!) loves to be the center of attention. For 27 years she played the role of Honor St. Raven on a recently cancelled daytime drama called Edge of Tomorrow. With five ex-husbands, three adopted children (she thought childbirth would ruin her figure) and one grandchild, Victoria can be delightfully vain. Although now in her 50s and still self-obsessed, she’s always there for her friends.

Melanie Moretti

Valerie Bertinell

Melanie Moretti  是一個約40歲,剛離婚的中年女子,她有兩個上大學的孩子。她的前夫很快再婚,娶了一個比自己年輕很多的女孩。Melanie是一個成功的作家,對朋友非常忠誠,她與Joy 及Victoria一同前往克里夫蘭及認識當地的男士。

Melanie Moretti (Valerie Bertinelli) is a 40something, recently divorced mother of two still reeling from the shock of her ex husband becoming engaged to a woman half her age. A successful author, Melanie is an eternal optimist and fiercely loyal to her friends. Together with Joy and Victoria, the women get to know Cleveland and the local men.