MOD 620

軍妻 第6季

Army Wives (S6)
塵埃落定:隨著馬歇爾堡吹起熄燈號,屬於軍妻們的時代也將劃下句點。在本季中,軍妻們將面對隨之而來的重大改變,而觀眾們也會見到這些變化如何為各角色帶來深遠的影響。對Denise而言,在眼見各個家庭為分離做準備的同時,她迎接堡壘新成員的到來,然而此舉卻讓Claudia Joy心神不寧;另一方面,由於未盡全力阻止馬歇爾堡面臨關閉的命運,Joan受到來自各方的斥責。除此之外,她更須面對David可能回到親生父母身邊的事實;更重要的是,二十三分隊收到前往非洲執行緊急任務的指令,對於那些甫返家園的士官們來說,有些事,再也回不去了。

End of the affair: With Fort Marshall closing down, it means the end of an era for the Army Wives. Momentous changes are on the horizon, and the brand new season of this riveting drama reveals how those changes will affect each and every character in profound ways. As each family prepares to leave Fort Marshall, Denise welcomes someone new to the base, leaving Claudia Joy uneasy. Joan comes under fire for not doing all she could to keep Fort Marshall open, while facing the possibility that David may have to return to his biological family. And when the 23rd Division is called to Africa for an urgent mission, the officers who come back home may find everything changed for good.


角色介紹 Characters

Roland Burton

Sterling K. Brown

Roland Burton是一名優秀的精神科醫師同時也是愛家的好丈夫,放棄了優渥的執業生涯,他選擇與為軍隊犧牲奉獻的妻子Joan Burton共度一生。話雖如此,他仍試圖維持一分正當的工作。一直以來,他擔任馬歇爾堡軍隊醫療中心的醫生,同時亦為學校代課教師以及輔導員。然而直到近期,一切都變了。這回他再度放下個人雄心抱負,決定為了女兒Sarah Elizabeth當一名全職家庭主夫,只是在面臨妻子患有創傷症候群的情況下,事情將比他設想的更加難以負荷。

A brilliant psychiatrist and loving husband, Roland chose to forgo a lucrative private practice to spend his life with Lieutenant Colonel Joan Burton, a dedicated military woman. But he’s tried to still remain focus on having a career. He’s worked as a top doctor at Fort Marshall's Mercer Army Medical Center, as well as serving as a substitute teacher (and unofficially as a guidance counselor) for the school on post. But everything has changed for Roland recently. He’s now ready to put his ambitions aside again, only this time it’s not for his wife, but for his new daughter, Sarah Elizabeth. Roland makes the decision to be a stay-at-home dad to raise his child. But things may be even harder than he anticipated, dealing with wife Joan's issues with PTSD.


Trevor LeBlanc

Drew Fuller

由於從小在寄養家庭中長大,中士Trevor LeBlanc渴望能擁有一個真正的家,而美國軍隊正是他的歸屬。除此之外,與酒保Roxy Brooks一見鍾情並於四天後閃電結婚的喜事更讓他的生命錦上添花。對Trevor而言,Roxy與她的兩個孩子充分滿足他一直以來的渴望,於是他領養了那兩名孩子並對他們視如己出。然而面對艱困的前線戰事以及家庭瑣事,Trevor一路顛簸。一直以來,Trevor歷經服役的傷病、毒癮以及為了平衡軍隊與家庭生活所帶來的壓力,並一一克服。對於未來,他期許自己能成為一名優秀的士兵、好丈夫以及好父親,更重要的是,能擁有自己的親生小孩。

Growing up in foster homes, Sergeant Trevor LeBlanc wished for a family and a place to belong. He found it in the U.S. Army. It only got better when he fell in love at first sight with bartender Roxy Brooks, whom he wed four days after they met. Roxy and her two sons gave Trevor the security he always wanted; Trevor even adopted the two boys. But this sergeant has had to contend with some scary situations, not just on the front lines, but back at home as well. He’s had to overcome an injury that kept him from active duty, a drug addiction, and marital stress resulting from trying to juggle his career and his family. Trevor longs to be a good soldier, husband and father — and have a little one of his own too.


Chase Moran

Jeremy Davidson

身為三角洲部隊的一員,不為人知的祕密是士官長Chase Moran生命的一部份。為了執行高度危險的秘密任務而動輒消失數日,甚至數月,使他身心靈都必須保持一定程度的靈敏。正因為如此,為了專業而維持的冷漠形象使他在前妻Pamela以及兩個孩子Katie與Lucas面前必須掩飾真實的情感。在過去,Chase表現得相當不負責任,然而身為三角洲部隊的一員迫使他必須認真面對生活、職業以及摯愛的人們。對他而言,在家人最需要他的時候缺席是他一直以來的痛,不僅意味著無法參加小孩的生日派對,甚至在妻子遭人跟蹤時他都不在身邊。儘管他與Pamela已於前季中離異,然而他發現自己仍深愛著她,只是一切都為時已晚。

Secrets are a part of life for Master Sergeant Chase Moran as a member of the elite Delta Force. Disappearing for days or months on high-risk covert missions requires Chase to maintain a certain mental and physical agility. His professional aloofness belies his intense feelings for his ex-cop wife, Pamela, and their two kids, Katie and Lucas. Chase has been a bit irresponsible in the past, but his position on Delta Force has forced him to get serious about his life, career and loved ones. The biggest hurdle for Chase is not being able to be there for his family when they need him, whether that means attending his child’s birthday party or protecting his wife from a stalker. Although he and Pamela divorced in Season 4, Chase realized that he is still in love with her — maybe too late.

Frank Sherwood

Terry Serpico

陸軍中校Frank Sherwood是軍人中的軍人。在他眼裡,軍事法則是唯一的生存之道。從沒沒無名的役男到成為陸軍中校,Frank可謂是軍中楷模,儘管他深愛著自己的妻子Denise以及兒子Jeremy,然而他慣於偽裝自我的世界觀有時會讓他無法從軍隊生活抽離,而對家人造成傷害。對Frank來說,他對付過幾場家務硬戰,除了必須解決Denise的婚外情並修補兩人關係外,他也必須協助兒子早日適應馬歇爾堡的生活。而現在,他更必須試圖彌補身在阿富汗而錯過女兒Molly誕生的遺憾。

Lieutenant Colonel Frank Sherwood is a soldier’s soldier. In his eyes, there is one way to live, and it's the Army way. Rising up the ranks from enlisted man to Lieutenant Colonel, Frank is a military paragon, but his camouflage-tinted worldview takes its toll on his family. He loves his wife, Denise, and son, Jeremy, but at times can forget they are not part of his platoon. This officer has definitely faced some uphill battles with his family. He patched things up with Denise, who had some extramarital encounters while Frank was deployed, and had to help Jeremy adjust to life back at Fort Marshall. Now, he must deal with being away in Afghanistan for the birth of his daughter Molly.

Michael Holden

Brian McNamara

少將Michael Holden是馬歇爾堡中備受景仰的一名士官,他少時於哈佛求學並因此遇見了妻子Claudia Joy。Michael與Claudia Joy兩人攜手面對於全世界漂泊不定的軍旅生涯,除了獲得無數勳章殊榮外,更於生命中迎接兩名女兒的到來,分別為Emmalin以及逝去的Amanda,此外他們兩人亦為Joan與Roland Burton女兒Sarah Elizabeth的教父與教母。在軍隊中,Michael或許握有至高無上的權利,然而這並非意味著人生將一路平坦順利,尤其面對長女Amanda的逝去,更讓他體會對於生命的力不從心。Michael曾面臨多次人生的挑戰,除了必須試圖讓自己冷靜外,也曾考慮接受北大西洋公約組織的職位並搬到布魯塞爾,此外更須想辦法解決女兒Emmalin與一名年長士兵的情愛糾葛。在第四季中,Michael於一次任務中遭到俘虜,事後受到三角洲部隊的營救才得以即時順利參加女兒Emmalin的高中畢業典禮。

One of Fort Marshall's most respected officers, Major General Michael Holden was educated at Harvard, where he met his wife, Claudia Joy. Together they embarked on a life in the military that has taken him to the far corners of the globe, yielded him dozens of awards and honors, and produced two beautiful daughters, Emmalin and the departed Amanda. Michael and Claudia Joy and are the godparents of Joan and Roland Burton's daughter Sarah Elizabeth. Michael may have had top command on post, but that doesn’t mean life has always been easy for this officer, especially after losing his eldest daughter. Michael has taken on challenge after challenge with calm control, including nearly moving his family to Brussels for a new position with NATO and dealing with his teenage daughter Emmalin’s romance with an older soldier. On a special mission in Season 4, Major Holden is captured and then rescued by Delta Force soldier Chase Moran. He returns home just in time to attend his daughter Emmalin's high school graduation.

Pamela Moran

Brigid Brannagh

初次見到Pamela Moran的人很難不去注意到她美麗的容貌,而完全料想不到她曾是堅忍不羈的波士頓警察。在過去,這位坦率直言的母親透過自己的電台節目「Have At It」大吐苦水及秘辛。一直以來,Pamela無所畏懼,即使身處槍林彈雨也毫不退縮,更遑論面對身為三角洲部隊的前夫Chase Moran或是於第二季中出現的跟蹤狂她也總是能處變不驚。過去她曾一度以家庭為重因而放棄職警生涯,然而現在她的重繫警徽,甚至獲得任職亞特蘭大警探的機會。在第四季與Chase離異之後,Pamela面臨離開堡壘的命運,然而在軍妻們心中,她仍占有一席榮譽且不滅的地位,而當Chase吐露對自己的愛未曾改變之際,她的心也隨之動情。

The first thing you notice about Pamela Moran is her soft beauty, giving little clue to the tough, rebellious personality of this former Boston cop. In the past, the outspoken mom had a place to vent — on her own radio show, called “Have At It.” Pamela can handle a gun better than anyone, and no one intimidates her — not even her Delta Force ex-husband, Chase Moran, or the stalker she took down in Season 2. Pamela once ditched her police career to focus on her family, but she's back on the force now — and was even offered a detective position in Atlanta. Pamela may have had to leave post after divorcing Chase in Season 4, but she still remains an honorary Army wife within her group of friends. And she may have a change of heart after Chase reveals that he is still in love with her.

Joan Burton

Wendy Davis

從小在芝加哥南城的困苦地帶長大,Joan Burton混亂不定的年少生活在成為軍事堡壘見習生後畫下句點。憑藉著過人的膽量以及決心,Joan的表現超乎眾人預期,並且一路高升,最終成為了馬歇爾堡首位非裔女性陸軍中校,握有統領四百餘人之權。至今,她隨著軍隊部署走遍全世界,歷經各式挑戰,更克服一次阿富汗艱困任務所帶來的創傷症候群。在過去幾年,Joan總是將軍旅生涯置於生命首位,並不時造成與精神科醫師丈夫Roland Burton間的婚姻危機。然而隨著寶貝女兒Sarah Elizabeth的誕生,以及丈夫決定一肩扛起家務事重擔,Joan的人生已大不如前。對現在的她而言,面對軍隊調度的命令,她已能權衡自己身為母親以及軍人的角色,並決心要守護在丈夫以及寶貝女兒的身邊。

Raised on the tough streets of Chicago’s South Side, Joan Burton overcame a troubled youth by becoming a Citadel cadet. Through grit and determination, Joan defied expectations and rose through the ranks, becoming Fort Marshall’s first African American female lieutenant colonel — commanding more than 400 men. She has taken on deployments worldwide, including a difficult tour of duty in Afghanistan that caused her to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder a few years ago. Placing the military before marriage has caused Joan problems with her husband, psychiatrist Roland Burton, but that is in the past. Her life is totally different now that Joan has had a baby girl (Sarah Elizabeth) and her husband plans to be a stay-at-home dad. Solider versus mother woes kicked in when Joan grappled with getting her redeployment orders, not wanting to leave her hubby or newborn daughter behind.


Roxy LeBlanc

Sally Pressman

出生於阿拉巴馬的Roxy是育有兩名孩子且美艷動人的辣媽,她的丈夫是中士Trevor LeBlanc。她與Trevor相識時間短暫便火速步入禮堂,而Trevor帶給她的美妙人生並將小孩視如己出更令她始料未及。然而對於軍妻生涯以及軍隊的階級制度,她仍處學習適應的階段。幸好在堡壘經營酒吧以及結識同樣身處基地的其他軍妻們,都對她適應軍妻生活有所幫助。僅管對馬歇爾堡的軍妻們而言她是個未諳世故的新成員,然而她卻時常扮演修補彼此嫌隙的強力膠角色。

Alabama native Roxy is a sassy young mom of two boys and is married to Sergaent Trevor LeBlanc. She married her military man (then a private) after only a few days of courtship, and he’s given her a better life than she’s ever known. He’s even adopted her sons. However, Roxy is still adapting to Army life, including the class system of rank that applies both to the soldiers and to their families. Befriending a few fellow Army wives and running the local bar on post has helped Roxy adjust. Although she was the most recent addition to Fort Marshall, Roxy is often the glue that keeps the Army wives together.


Denise Sherwood

Catherine Bell

 自小對軍旅生活習以為常,由於父親亦為軍隊成員,隨著軍隊佈署而一日三遷的流浪生活使她從小就難交到好朋友。在嫁給陸軍中校Frank Sherwood後,她感到十分被疼愛以及十足的安全感,因而決定暫緩醫護學業,心無旁騖的做好稱職的軍妻以及母親。一直以來,面對丈夫以及兒子Jeremy受軍隊調度而漂旅,Denise雖不得已但仍在其他軍妻的支持下破繭而出,逐漸找到內心的堅強力量。因此無論是家人在外危險駕車、紋身甚至兒子與一名火辣醫生相愛卻又逝去的愛情悲劇,她都能挺身面對。然而一次與舊病人擦出愛情火花的出軌事件是她人生中最大的挑戰,尤其在丈夫回到馬歇爾堡時她更必須盡力修補這段出現裂痕的婚姻。現在,隨著丈夫以及小孩受軍隊調度前往阿富汗而不在身邊,她期許自己能因為女兒Molly的誕生,把握重新扮演好母親角色的第二次機會。

Denise Sherwood hasn’t known much outside of Army life. Her father is from a long line of military men, and moving from post to post made forming friendships difficult for her growing up. After marrying Lieutenant Colonel Frank Sherwood, a man who made her feel loved and protected, she put the rest of her life on hold, including her nursing studies, to dedicate herself to being a wife and mom. Dealing with her husband’s deployments and son Jeremy enlisting (and deploying) has forced to Denise to find her inner strength, especially with support from other Army wives. This once shy and reserved wife broke out of her shell while her family was away — riding a motorcycle, getting a tattoo and falling for a hot doctor she worked with, who tragically died. But Denise’s biggest gamble with her career and her marriage came when she slept with a former patient and was forced to pick up the pieces of her failing marriage when Frank returned home from a recent deployment. While her husband Lieutenant Colonel Frank Sherwood and son are back in Afghanistan, Denise is experiencing being a mother a second time around with the birth of her daughter Molly.


Claudia Joy

Kim Delaney

識故老練、聰慧堅強是她的代名詞,Claudia Joy一直以來扮演著馬歇爾堡大小事務的核心人物。儘管身兼新科高中畢業生Emmalin的母親、少將Michael Holden的妻子以及與Michael共同擔任Joan與Roland Burton女兒Sarah Elizabeth的教父與教母數職,Claudia Joy仍拾起教科書重回法學院,完成夢想。總括來說,Claudia Joy是名天生的領導者,儘管有時會讓害自己捲入麻煩中,但她仍為追求公平正義不遺餘力。在面對難關的時候,她總是知道該如何應付隨軍隊佈署而漂泊不定的人生。此外無論是面對軍妻們掙扎不安的難題或是自己家中的繁瑣雜事,她總是能維持一貫優雅、正直的風範。

Born September 1, 1970, Padma is an Indian American cookbook author, actress, model and television host. Her debut cookbook Easy Exotic won her the "Best First Book" award at the 1999 Gourmand World Cookbook Awards. She has been the host of Top Chef since season two in 2006, for which she received a nomination for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Host for a Reality or Reality-Competition Program. In 2010, Top Chef won the Emmy Award for Outstanding Reality-Competition Program.