
星際奇兵 亞特蘭提斯 第5季

Stargate: Atlantis (S5)
熱切追尋: 上一季,觀眾與Sheppard 上校走到48,000年後的未來,解開了部分的謎底疑團。不過,新的難關又再一一湧現,John、Ronon、McKay及Lawrence全部被困,而臨盆在即Teyla又告失蹤。Carter奉命去處理一宗拯救行動,但Michael卻在不知不覺中跟隨其後。更多爆炸性故事將於劇集展開,並融合衝突及鬥爭情節,包括神秘被遺棄的太空船、流氓幽靈,以及劇迷一直鍾愛的星際奇兵科幻特色元素。
Hot pursuit: Last season, viewers found themselves with Sheppard 48,000 years in the future, and saw how choices unfolded and loose threads were tied up. But there are new questions—and threats—looming on the horizon. John, Ronon, McKay and Lawrence are trapped, and Teyla (who is just moments away from giving birth) is nowhere to be found. Carter is called in to lead a rescue mission, unknowingly with Michael hot on his tail. Don’t miss the explosive beginning to an exciting season packed with conflicts and battles, a mysteriously abandoned spacecraft, rogue Wraiths, and all that Stargate sci-fi goodness we know and love.

