MOD 627


2023/4/23,週日 21:00

異想女孩要成名 (比利時/荷蘭/2019/家庭/劇情)

Language: Dutch

現年12歲的Binti在剛果出生,但從小就和現年40歲的父親Jovial一起居住在比利時。Binti沒有合法身份,並夢想成為像偶像Tatyana一樣的網紅。11歲的Elias父母離異,他和42歲的母親Christine同住並獨自經營「拯救霍加狓俱樂部」,他的爸爸在離婚之後搬去了巴西。討人厭的鄰居邀請Christine前往巴黎來一趟浪漫之旅,Elias在自己的樹屋裡生悶氣不出來。這時,警察突襲了Binti和Jovial的家,兩人開始跑路,Binti湊巧躲進Elias的樹屋。不久之後,雙方父母見面,Binti很快就發現解決所有問題的完美方法——如果她能讓爸爸和Elias的媽媽湊成一對,等到他們結婚,她就可以合法留在比利時。Binti加入Elias的拯救霍加狓俱樂部,一起辦募捐活動,她也偷偷啟動了讓Christine愛上Jovial的計劃,但卻被 Elias 發現了她真正的企圖。

製作公司:Bulletproof Cupid, Family Affair Films, Kwassa Films

Bulletproof Cupid
•    最佳電影2019年Ale Kino兒少影展
•    2019年Castellinaria兒少影展銅獎
•    2019年瑞士Castellinaria兒少影展UNICEF獎
•    2019年荷蘭CineKid電影節國際評審團雄獅獎,最佳國際兒少電影
•    2020年ECFA獎最佳歐洲兒少電影
•    2019年JuniorFest兒少類最佳長片
•    2020年比利時馬格利特獎最佳佛蘭德語電影入圍
•    2019年蒙特婁國際兒少電影節最佳影片大獎
•    2019年蒙特婁國際兒少電影節最佳長片特別提及
•    2019年法勒他電影節青少年觀眾票選獎

•    2019年奧斯坦德電影節最佳女主角入圍,巴貝兒提香妮巴羅吉
•    2019年奧斯坦德電影節最佳配樂入圍
•    2019年奧斯坦德電影節最佳製作設計入圍
•    2019年奧斯坦德電影節最佳劇本入圍
•    2020年比利時馬格利特獎最佳新人最佳新人入圍,巴羅吉
•    2020年比利時馬格利特獎最佳新人入圍,巴貝兒提香妮巴羅吉
•    2020年比利時馬格利特獎最佳原創配樂入圍,Le Motel
•    2019年基輔國際電影節兒少電影競賽單元,特別評審團獎,佛雷德麗克米格姆
•    2019年基輔國際電影節兒少電影競賽單元,斯基泰鹿獎入圍,佛雷德麗克米格姆
•    2020年里維埃拉國際電影節評審團獎最佳影片入圍,佛雷德麗克米格姆
•    2019年塔林黑夜電影節歐洲兒少電影協會獎,佛雷德麗克米格姆(導演),凱瑟琳古森斯(製片)
•    2020年日舞影展放映(維基百科)
•    2020年日舞影展世界首映

•    編導佛雷德麗克米格姆在這部以兒童為主角、迷人而帶著政治色彩的電影中關注比利時的無照移民。
•    主題切中時事,關注破碎家庭、移民和動物滅絕,但以現代風格來敘事,充滿魅力,以溫和的方式來闡明問題。這部適合兒童和成人觀看的精彩電影,主要歸功於出色的劇本。服裝和佈景設計的色彩鮮豔,形成強烈的視覺,即使在故事最黑暗的時刻也帶來希望。
•    主角巴貝兒提香妮巴羅吉帶來精彩的演出。
•    一部值得一看的優質電影。


Binti (12) was born in Congo but has lived with her father Jovial (40) in Belgium since she was a baby. Despite not having any legal documents, Binti wants to live a normal life, and dreams of becoming a famous vlogger like her idol Tatyana. Elias (11) runs his 'save-the-okapi-club' without the help of his father, who's moved to Brazil following his divorce with Elias’s mother Christine (42). When their annoying neighbour invites Christine on a romantic trip to Paris, Elias, upset and angry, runs away to his treehouse. At the same time, police raid Binti and Jovial’s home, sending the two on the run, and Binti into the path of Elias in his treehouse. When their parents meet shortly after, Binti quickly sees the perfect solution to all her problems. If she can match her dad to Elias’ mom, they can get married and stay in Belgium. Binti joins Elias’ okapi club, and while they organise a big fundraiser together, she secretly starts her plan to make Christine fall in love with Jovial. Until Elias finds out what Binti is really up to.

Writer, Director: Frederike Migom (debut)        
Producer: Katleen Goossens
Production Co: Bulletproof Cupid, Family Affair Films, Kwassa Films
Cast: Bebel Tshiani Baloji, Mo Bakker, Baloji, Joke Devynck, Caroline Stas, Noa Jacobs

Bulletproof Cupid
•    Best Film, Ale Kino! - International Young Audience Film Festival, 2019.
•    Competition 6-15, Bronze Castle, Castellinaria International Festival of Young Cinema, 2019.
•    Competition 6-15, UNICEF Award, Castellinaria International Festival of Young Cinema, 2019.
•    Cinekid International Lion Jury Award, Best International Children’s Film, Cinekid, 2019.
•    Best European Film for Children, ECFA Award, ECFA Awards, 2020.
•    Children category (5-11 years of age), Best Feature Film, JuniorFest, 2019.
•    Best Flemish Film Nominee, Magritte Awards, Belgium, 2020.
•    Best Film, Grand Prix de Montreal, Montréal International Children's Film Festival, 2019.
•    Best Feature Fuilm for Children, Special Mention, Montréal International Children's Film Festival, 2019.
•    Teens Only, Triton Teens Choice Award, Valletta Film Festival, 2019.

•    Bebel Tshiani Baloji, Best Actress Nominee, Film Festival Oostende, 2019.
•    Best Music Nominee, Best Actress Nominee, Film Festival Oostende, 2019.
•    Best Production Design Nominee, Best Actress Nominee, Film Festival Oostende, 2019.
•    Best Screenplay Nominee, Best Actress Nominee, Film Festival Oostende, 2019.
•    Baloji, Most Promising Actor Nominee, Magritte Awards, Belgium, 2020.
•    Bebel Tshiani Baloji, Most Promising Actress Nominee, Magritte Awards, Belgium, 2020.
•    Le Motel, Best Original Score Nominee, Magritte Awards, Belgium, 2020.
•    Frederike Migom, Teen Screen Competition, Special Jury Diploma, Molodist International Film Festival, 2019.
•    Frederike Migom, Teen Screen Competition, Scythian Deer Nominee, Molodist International Film Festival, 2019.
•    Frederike Migom, Best Film Nominee, Jury Prize, Riviera International Film Festival, 2020.
•    Frederike Migom (Director) and Katleen Goossens (Producer), European Children’s Film Association Award, Just Film Award, Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival, 2019.
•    The film was screened agt the 2020 Sundance Film Festival. (Wikipedia)
•    World Premiere, Sundance Film Festival 2020

•    Writer-director Frederike Migom focuses on immigrants without papers in Belgium in this charming, politically charged film aimed at children. 
•    The themes are hard-hitting – broken families, immigration and animal extinction – and yet the story is told in a contemporary style, full of charm and in a manner that elucidates the issues without being heavy-handed. That it manages to be a great movie for both kids and adults is down to the excellent script. The visuals are notable for the explosion of colour in the costumes and set designs, which keeps things light, even when the story is at its darkest. 
•    The star of the show is Bebel Tshiani Baloji, who plays the titular Binti. 
•    It's an entertaining film to watch.