MOD 617


Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels
2023/4/15,週六 20:00

四個善良但卑鄙的罪犯在玩了一場不正當的紙牌遊戲後發現自己欠下了一個兇殘的倫敦黑幫的債。 為了償還債務並真正挽救他們的皮膚,他們決定搶劫一群剛剛搶劫了一群盆栽種植者的暴徒。

Four nice, but petty criminals find themselves heavily in debt to a murderous London gangster after a crooked card game. To cover their debts and literally save their skins, they decide to rob a bunch of thugs who have just robbed a group of pot growers.