MOD 627


2021/7/25 週日 晚間9點





製作公司:Anagram Film & TV



  • 2018年金甲蟲獎最佳女配角,茱莉亞基約夫斯卡

  • 2018年金甲蟲獎最佳男配角入圍,普列米斯洛薩多夫斯基

  • 2017年聖塔巴巴拉國際電影節ADL傑出獎,維克特艾瑞克森

  • 2017年聖塔巴巴拉國際電影節Valhalla獎入圍,維克特艾瑞克森

  • 最佳故事片,2017年奧林匹亞兒少國際電影節,最佳劇情片


  • 2017年聖塔巴巴拉國際電影節ADL獎

  • 2017年卡羅維瓦利國際電影節綜藝影評人票選獎

  • 曼海姆-海德堡國際電影節國際競賽片

  • 2017年石溪電影節

  • 2017年Filem‘On國際電影節,青年觀眾競賽類

  • 2017年加拿大Devour!美食電影節最佳劇情片

  • 2017年雅典奧林匹亞兒少國際電影節最佳劇情片


維克特艾瑞克森 (生於1973年) 是瑞典編劇和導演,以《STARKE MAN》和《HLAVVÄGS TILL HIMLEN》影集而聞名。他的第一部紀錄長片《我老公是情色大師》於2013年上映。《他鄉的夏日戀曲》 是他的第一部劇情長片。


  • 導演維克特艾瑞克森找來季節性移工作為素人演員,創作了一部充滿詩意的電影,影像以大自然的浩瀚,對照階級制度和競爭性勞動力市場的局限現實。

  • 維克特艾瑞克森描繪出感性的青年戀曲……

  • 另一個特色是本片的配樂,只有簡單的鋼琴,但總是出現在完美的時刻。在網路搜尋本片,會發現原聲帶的討論熱度甚至超過電影本身。原聲帶的作曲家哈南湯森是長居奧斯汀的音樂家和作曲家,最有名的作品是為泰倫斯馬利克《永生樹》創作的配樂,因此《他鄉的夏日戀曲》的音樂與敘事完美協調也就不足為奇了。


15-year-old Wojtek travels to Sweden from Poland with his parents to work on a farm picking strawberries. He encounters a dark underworld where foreign guest workers are exploited by indifferent Swedes. But against all odds he forms a connection with the farmer’s daughter, Anneli. The teenagers start to meet behind the backs of their parents, their young love breaking down the invisible barrier that exists between them. But the outside world will never accept the relationship, and in the end the two young lovers find themselves trapped on opposite sides when the slowly brewing conflict between the Swedes and the guest workers erupts in a sudden violent confrontation.

Writer/Director: Wiktor Ericsson

Producer: Erik Magnusson

Production Co: Anagram Film & TV

Cast: Nelly Axelsson, Stanislaw Cywka, Julia Kijowska, 

Przemyslaw Sadowski, Torkel Petersson


  • Julia Kijowska, Best Supporting Actress, Guldbagge Awards, 2018.

  • Przemyslaw Sadowski, Best Supporting Actor Nominee, Guldbagge Awards, 2018.

  • Wiktor Ericsson, ADL Stand Up Award, Santa Barbara IFF, 2017.

  • Wiktor Ericsson, Valhalla Award Nominee, Santa Barbara IFF, 2017.

  • Best Feature, Olympia IFF for Children and Young People, Grekland, Athens Festival Award, 2017. 


  • ADL Stand Up Award, Santa Barbara International Film Festival 2017.

  • Variety Critic's Choice Section, Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, 2017.

  • International Competition, International Filmfestival Mannheim-Heidelberg 

  • Stony Brook Film Festival, 2017.

  • Young Audiences Competition, Filemon, International Film Festival, 2017.

  • Best Feature Drama, Devour! The Food Film Fest, Canada, 2017.

  • Children and Young People Best Feature Film, Olympia International Film Festival, Athens, 2017.

About the Director 

Wiktor Ericsson (*1973) is a swedish screenwriter and director, known for the series STARKE MAN and HLAVVÄGS TILL HIMLEN. His feature-length film debut the documentary A LIFE IN DIRTY MOVIES was released in 2013. JORDGUBBSLANDET (STRAWBERRY DAYS) is his first feature-length fiction film.


  • Using actual seasonal workers as lay actors, director Wiktor Ericsson has created a film with great poetic power, with images that convey the vastness of nature bumping up against the restrictive reality of a labour market characterised by hierarchies and competition. 

  • Wiktor Ericsson offers a sensitive, sensual portrait of young love... 

  • Another standout stylistic choice is the film’s use of subtle and perfectly timed instrumental background music (often just piano). In fact, an online search of the film reveals that there are more reviews for the soundtrack than for the film itself. The soundtrack’s composer, Hanan Townshend, is an Austin-based musician and composer known for his work on Terrence Malick’s Tree of Life, so it is not surprising that the music in Strawberry Days is beautifully harmonized with its narrative.