MOD 627


2021/7/11 週日 晚間9點


胸懷壯志的匈牙利年輕女演員Dorottya,接下了一份不怎麼讓人羨慕的工作,擔任偉大的劇場演員Micheal Gifford爵士的看護。兩人在第一天就發生了衝突。Michael是一個自怨自艾、脾氣暴躁的老人,固執的Dorrottya卻不怕頂撞他。沒想到,衝突正是兩人所需要的。爭吵不休之餘,竟發現了對莎士比亞的共同熱愛,他們的關係產生了火花,兩人都在對方身上找到靈感。遺憾的是,這種共生關係引起Michael爵士女兒Sophia以及他前任情人Milly的嫉妒。當Michael爵士獲得終身成就獎,Dorottya鼓勵生病的老人親自領獎。盛怒的Milly和Sophia開除Dorottya,並切斷與她的所有聯繫。Dorottya和Michael爵士少了彼此,兩人的狀況每況愈下,但在最後團結起來,無視他人的批評,一起在舞台上取得勝利。




製作公司:Mythberg Films、Hopscotch Films、Vita Nova Films



  • 2016年蘇格蘭英國影藝學院獎最佳男主角入圍,布萊恩考克斯

  • 2016年開羅國際電影節,最佳影片入圍,亞諾士艾德雷尼

  • 2016年契赤斯特國際電影節最佳長片入圍,亞諾士艾德雷尼

  • 2016年愛丁堡國際電影節觀眾票選獎入圍,亞諾士艾德雷尼

  • 2016年棕櫚泉電影節最佳敘事長片入圍,亞諾士艾德雷尼

  • 2018年巴拉圭電影節觀眾票選獎入圍,亞諾士艾德雷尼

  • 2016年好萊塢音樂傳媒獎,獨立電影最佳配樂入圍

  • 2016年國際聲音與電影音樂節 (ISFMF) 長片類最佳配樂

  • 2016年國際配樂與音效獎長片配樂入圍

  • 2016年石溪電影節終身成就獎,布萊恩考克斯

  • 2016年石溪電影節開幕片獎,亞諾士艾德雷尼

  • 2016年愛丁堡國際電影節最佳英國電影





可可寇寧曾在奧地利學院劇院及宮廷劇院登台,也在德國柏林劇院登台。她在2月演出第一部電影《The Card》,也參與11月即將上映的電影《刺客信條》。夏天時,可可獲得席勒劇本《Die Räuber》中Amalia的角色,該劇將於2016年夏末在薩爾斯堡音樂節首演。


  • 《命運看護人》是一部關於衰老和疾病的電影,導演在不久前失去了父親和姐夫。在父親頻繁進出醫院的那幾年,他與父親兩人常用鬧劇裡的台詞來安慰彼此,後來這成了他在建立Michael爵士和Dorottya之間關係的靈感來源。



  • 布萊恩考克斯在這部描寫奇妙雙人組的劇情片裡展現精湛演技...... -

  • 考克斯迷人的暴躁脾氣在本片展現笑顏,共同編劇吉爾伯特阿代爾貢獻了幽默對白,甜蜜而不甜膩

  • 考克斯對時機的掌握高人一等,本片就像喜劇大師課程,李爾王的暴躁先放一邊。雪梨晨鋒報

  • 考克斯展現暴躁脾氣,與寇寧完美搭檔。獨立報(英國)

  • 「布萊恩考克斯在片中展現強烈求生意志。」(好萊塢報導者)

  • 「本片充滿趣味,出人意料,而且感人至深。」Urban Cinefile

  • 「匈牙利籍導演以恰到好處的諷刺和溫柔,描繪了天南地北兩個人之間的關係。」Cinemania

  • 「喜歡莎士比亞和經典英國表演方式的人,絕對不能錯過《命運看護人》」(耶路撒冷郵報)

  • 「考克斯以機智和才華,將角色演繹得淋漓盡致,寇寧也表現得很好,劇本充滿詼諧的橋段。」彼得布萊蕭,衛報

  • 「布萊恩考克斯的精彩演出是《命運看護人》的亮點,這是一部感傷的老派劇情片,介於《日落大道》和朗諾哈伍德的《化妝師》之間。」每日快報(英國)

  • 「……許多引人入勝和充滿娛樂性的橋段,一部精彩之作。」弗雷斯諾蜂共和報

  • 「本片可說是考克斯的個人秀,他完全融入這個脾氣暴躁的資深劇場演員的角色,還沒有打算下台一鞠躬。」Contactmusic.com

  • 「這是一個輕巧又感人的故事,也對移民經歷提出尖銳的觀察。值得推薦。」每日郵報(英國)

  • 「考克斯以機智和才華,將角色演繹得淋漓盡致,寇寧也表現得很好,劇本充滿詼諧的橋段。」

  • 《命運看護人》:布萊恩考克斯交出演藝生涯代表作。

  • 在整部電影中,有時很難將考克斯以及他飾演的Michael爵士區分開來,影片最後一幕,他在向他致敬的頒獎典禮上發表告別演說,現實的他與片中的他彷彿成為一體(也可能是因為考克斯本人合寫了這場戲)。這是他演藝生涯中最真實、動人的一次表演。

  • 影片最後一幕,Michael在劇評人頒獎晚宴發表了告別演說(比我參加過的任何劇評人晚宴更星光閃閃),考克斯本人合寫了這場戲,完美地向一位劇場大師致敬。

  • 「……電影的魅力來自於演員的表現……艾米麗雅福克斯飾演Michael爵士的女兒,意志堅定甚至傲慢專斷,但並不討人厭。安娜錢絲勒飾演的管家非常令人信服,她與Michael曾經有過一段情。可可寇寧首次挑戰大銀幕,她飾演初來乍到的Dorottya,帶來樸實但精彩的演出……」

  • 考克斯在《命運看護人》飾演英國戲劇界大腕Gifford,精湛演技令人目不轉睛,他把現實中的挫敗轉化到Gifford,一位心智敏銳但身體逐漸衰弱的演員,導演亞諾士艾德雷尼播放考克斯過去作品的片段作為對照,非常有說服力。考克斯在片尾嚴詞批評演藝界的現狀,是全片最精彩的一段。傳奇人物羅傑摩爾爵士也客串了這場戲,使得本片更加星光閃耀。


  • 羅傑摩爾爵士生前最後一部片。(IMDB)

  • 上演職員時,畫面的背景是未來的新聞報導,我們得知角色後來的發展:Dorottya獲得CGGB 獎,Sophia任命Joseph為Gifford基金會的執行長,Michael爵士與長期伴侶Milly結婚。最後一則新聞的日期是2017 年(本片於2016年發行)10月21日,出現在肯特地方報,上面寫著伴郎是羅傑摩爾爵士(他之前在頒獎典禮上客串演出)。不過羅傑摩爾爵士已經於2017年5月去世。(IMDB)

  • 在肯特實地拍攝。片尾列出梅德斯通以南的地點:Boughton Monchelsea House(Michael爵士的住家)、薩頓偉倫斯村養老院和幾所學校、The Lord Raglan 酒吧(位於查特山路)以及馬蓋特皇家劇院。(IMDB)

  • 由已故的英國評論家兼作家吉爾伯特阿代爾共同編劇。可想而知,比較劉別謙和梅爾布魯克詮釋的哈姆雷特那場戲,應該是出自他手。

  • 吉爾伯特阿代爾去世前仍在編寫《命運看護人》的劇本,後來由他的老友及和合作夥伴,《Closed Book》製片湯姆金寧蒙特接手完成。


When Dorottya, an ambitious young Hungarian actress, takes on the unenviable job as carer of the once great stage actor Sir Micheal Gifford, the two instantly clash. He’s a sorry-for-himself, grumpy old has-been, and she is stubborn, standing up to him, as no one else dares. To the surprise of both, conflict is exactly what they need. Fuelled by quarrels and a mutual love of Shakespeare, their relationship sparks and each finds the other an inspiration. Unfortunately, this symbiosis arouses the jealousy of Sir Michael’s daughter, Sophia, and his faithful ex-lover, Milly. When Sir Michael is offered a Lifetime Achievement Award, Dorottya encourages the sick old man to collect it in person. Incensed, Milly and Sophia strike, sacking Dorottya and cutting her off from all contact. Without each other, Dorottya and Sir Michael spiral downwards – only to rally at the end, defying their critics and ultimately, together, triumphing onstage.

Awards & Festivals:

  • Brian Cox, Best Actor – Film Nominee, BAFTA Awards, Scotland, 2016.

  • János Edelényi, Best Film Nominee, Cairo IFF, 2016.

  • János Edelényi, Feature Film Nominee, Chichester IFF, 2016.

  • János Edelényi, Audience Award Nominee, Edinburgh IFF, 2016.

  • János Edelényi, Best Narrative Feature Nominee, Palm Springs Film Festival 2016.

  • János Edelényi, Audience Choice Nominee, Paraguay Film Festival 2018.

  • Best Original Score – Independent Film Nominee, Hollywood Music in Media Awards (HMMA), 2016.

  • Best Original Score, Feature Film, International Sound & Film Music Festival (ISFMF), 2016.

  • Feature Film Score Nominee, Music + Sound Awards, International, 2016.

  • Brian Cox, Career Achievement Award, Stony Brook Film Festival 2016.

  • János Edelényi, Opening Night Film Awardediburgh, Stony Brook Film Festival 2016.

  • Best of British Section, Edinburgh International Film Festival, 2016.

About the main cast 

BRIAN COX as Sir Michael

Brian Cox is an Emmy Award-winning Scottish actor. Cox started his carrier in numerous television films and his first major role was Dr. Hannibal Lecter in Manhunter which every much established his career. He appeared in dozens of films and television series, more recently Cox has played in some major films, including The Corruptor, The Ring and X-Men2 or later in Troy, Red and Red2. He was awarded Commander of the order of the British Empire in the 2003 Queen’s New Year’s Honours List for his services to drama. He will play Sir Winston Churchill in a 2016 feature.

COCO KÖNIG as Dorottya

Coco König played in Austria’s “Akademietheatre” and the “Burgtheatre” and in Germany’s “Berliner Ensemble”. She starred in her first motion picture “The Card” in February and played a part in the upcoming film “Assassin’s Creed” in November. In summer Coco received the part of “Amalia” in Schiller’s play “Die Räuber” which will premiere at the Salzburg festival in late Summer 2016.

Interview with the Director: 

  • The Carer is first and foremost a film about old age and illness – the director lost his father and brother-in-law not too long ago, and he has built the relationship between Sir Michael and Dorottya by drawing inspiration from the slapstick lines that he and his father would tell each other to soothe their emotional pain during the year they spent in and out of hospitals. 

A crucial and personal aspect of the film is also Dorottya’s status as a migrant. Edelényi himself had to flee Hungary due to the censorship of the communist regime, so he infuses The Carer with small but poignant details that reveal the harsh reality of what it means to leave your own country full of fear, yet determined to make it, regardless of the obstacles in your path


  • Brian Cox twinkles in touching odd-couple drama… - 

  • Cox’s adorable grump learns to laugh again in a British film with witty touches from co-writer Gilbert Adair, and only a faint taste of Werther’s Original - 

  • Cox's timing throughout is superb -- a comic masterclass that gives way to storms of temper worthy of Lear. The Sydney Morning Herald

  • Cox is in rambunctious form and has an obvious rapport with Konig. Independent (UK)

  • “Brian Cox rages vigorously against the dying of the light.” THR

  • “It’s funny, unexpected and profoundly moving.” Urban Cinefile

  • “The Hungarian director portrays, with the right amount of irony and tenderness, a relationship between two totally different people.” Cinemania

  • “Those who love Shakespeare and great British acting should not pass up The Carer” Jerusalem Post

  • “Cox carries it off with wit and flair, König is rather good to, and the screenplay has many witty touches.” Peter Bradshaw, Guardian

  • “A barnstorming Brian Cox is the star attraction in The Carer, a sentimental, old-fashioned drama pitched somewhere between Sunset Boulevard and Ronald Harwood’s The Dresser.” Daily Express (UK)

  • “…moments so compelling and entertaining the film is a cinematic gift.” The Fresno Bee

  • “This is Cox’s show, and he dives fully into the role of a cantankerous, hammy old thespian who isn’t remotely ready to go gentle into that good night.” Contactmusic.com

  • “It’s a slight but touching story, and the film also makes some sharp observations about the immigrant experience. I liked it.” Daily Mail (UK)

  • Cox carries it off with wit and flair; König is rather good too, and the screenplay has many witty touches. 

  • The Carer: An outstanding Brian Cox in the role of his life. 

  • Throughout the movie, there are moments at which it is hard to distinguish Cox from Sir Michael, and in the final scene, a farewell speech during an award ceremony in his honour, it seems like the two merge and – probably also because Cox himself co-wrote the scene – this is one of the most genuine and sincere performances of his career. 

  • The final scene, in which Michael gives a kind of valedictory speech at a critics’ awards dinner (more glitzy than most critics’ awards shows that I have attended), was apparently written in part by Cox himself, and it serves as a strong capper to a slight but likeable tribute to an aging lion of the theater. 

  • “….the charm of the film comes from the performances……Emilia Fox as Sir Michael’s strong-willed daughter manages to be imperious without ever turning outright hateful. Anna Chancellor is compelling as the housekeeper who has her own romantic history with Michael. Coco Konig makes her film debut as new arrival Dorottya and gives a low-key but winning performance….” 

  • A performance of grandiose scale from Cox ensures that we are continually invested in The Carer – Gifford is a lion of British theatre and Cox captures this in every essence. The actor channels a real frustration into the role of the mentally sharp, but physically declining Gifford and Edelényi juxtaposes this through use of archive footage of Cox’s previous work to show an effective before and after picture. Cox is at his finest in The Carer’s final moments which see the thespian launch an attack at the current state of the acting profession – this scene also features an amusing cameo from the legendary Sir Roger Moore which helps boost the film’s star power. 


  • Last completed theatrical movie for Sir Roger Moore. IMDB

  • As the end credits roll there are quick glimpses of future newspaper articles to round off the characters' stories: Dorottya gains a CGGB award, Sophia appoints Joseph as a CEO to the Gifford Foundation, and Sir Michael weds his longtime companion, Millie. The latter appears as a "Kent Advertiser" piece in 2017 (this movie's release date was 2016) for the date of October 21, stating the best man as Sir Roger Moore (who appeared earlier in a cameo at the awards ceremony). Sir Roger Moore, however, died in May of 2017. IMDB

  • Filmed on location in Kent. End credits give locations as south of Maidstone: Boughton Monchelsea House (Sir Michael's house), Sutton Valence at a care home and several schools, and The Lord Raglan pub (on Chart Hill Rd), as well as the Theatre Royal Margate. IMDB

  • It was co-written by the late British critic and author Gilbert Adair  – who I guess is responsible for the droll passage about the differences between Ernst Lubitsch’s To Be or Not to Be and the Mel Brooks  remake. 

  • Gilbert was still working on the script of THE CARER when he died – and his work was continued by his long-time friend and collaborator, the producer of CLOSED BOOK, Tom Kinninmont.