MOD 627


2021/7/18 週日 晚間9點










製作公司:Motor Film Studio, Russian Ministry of Culture






  • 2020年俄羅斯電影攝影師協會,長片類最佳攝影



  • 2020年烏克蘭迪提亞特科兒童影視節,最佳兒童長片,最佳女主角

  • 2019年俄羅斯東正教國際電影節,「光輝天使」長片競賽單元,觀眾票選獎

  • 2019年俄羅斯歐亞橋樑雅爾塔國際電影節,主競賽單元最佳導演獎,最佳攝影獎,觀眾票選獎

  • 2019年俄羅斯金鳳凰全俄影展競賽片,阿納托利帕帕諾夫獎,亞歷山大蓋利賓

  • 2019年俄羅斯沃洛科藍斯克邊境軍事愛國國際電影節競賽片,觀眾票選獎

  • 2019年俄羅斯歐洲之窗影展,兒少電影

  • 2019年俄羅斯舒克辛影展,特別放映

  • 2019年俄羅斯Orlyonok VAF競賽片,入圍六項評審團獎

  • 2019年俄羅斯Scarlet Sails兒童國際電影節競賽片,兩項評審團獎

  • 2019年Vivat俄羅斯影展開幕片



  • 「這是一部闔家觀賞的電影。片中描述的童年、幸福以及善良的氣氛,令每個觀眾感同身受,」導演亞歷山大蓋利賓說。


  • 7歲的阿斯蘭克里姆區林(飾演Yamil)和9歲的瑪塔提莫費娃(飾演Oksana)雖為童星,但都帶來精彩演出。烏克蘭和巴什基爾的孩子們在蘇聯時代曾經為兄弟姐妹。本片最後以同樣的懷舊、天真、些許意外的情懷收尾。


My Little Sister is about a little boy called Yamil who is living in a village in Baskhir with his mother. Yamil’s father Karim is away from home because of World War II.


Karim rescues a small girl called Oksana who was all alone, hidden behind a wall with dead bodies in the middle of the war. Karim takes care of her and brings her to his family home in Baskhir. Encountering a new language, culture and geography makes Oksana confused and timid first; on the other hand Yamil, the little boy, is more than ready to accept and love Oksana as his sister.


During the war, Oksana has a new life with Yamil and his mother. This new life, incorporating his granny and other villagers, develops despite the reality of war, the reality of poverty and death.


Director: Aleksandr Galibin

Producers: Timerbulat Karimov, Mikhail Kurbatov, Dmitriy Fiks

Production Co: Motor Film Studio, Russian Ministry of Culture

Cast: Arslan Krymchurin, Marta Timofeeva, Usuf Rakhmetov

Ilgiza Gilmanova, Sulpan Abdrakhimova, Rauis Zagitov

Vitaliy Saliy


Award (IMDB):

  • Best Cinematography in a Feature Film, Russian Guild of Cinematographers, Russia, 2020.


Festivals And Awards 

  • Ukraine DYTIATKO Children's IMF 2020 (Feature Film) Best Feature Film for Children; Best Actress

  • Russia Effulgent Angel Orthodox IFF 2019 (Feature Film Competition) Audience Award

  • Russia Eurasian Bridge Yalta IFF 2019 (Main Competition) Best Director Prize; Best Cinematography Prize; People's Choice Award

  • Russia Golden Phoenix All-Russian FF 2019 (Competition) Anatoly Papanov's Prize for the director

  • Russia Volokolamsk Border Military-Patriotic IFF 2019 (Competition) People's Choice Award

  • Russia Window to Europe FF 2019 (Cinema for Children and Youth)

  • Russia Shukshin FF 2019 (Special Screening)

  • Russia Orlyonok VAF 2019 (Competition) Six children's jury prizes in the nomination Cinema

  • Russia Scarlet Sails Children's IFF 2019 (Competition) Two children's jury prizes

  • Russia Vivat Cinema of Russia! FF 2019 (Opening Film) World Premiere



  • "This movie is going to be the joy of every home, I hope. It brings the atmosphere of the childhood, happiness and kindness. Every spectacor would find himself in the main character", - said the film-director Alexander Galibin.“ 


  • Both seven-year-old Arslan Krymchurin (who plays Yamil) and nine-year-old Martha Timofeeva (who plays Oksana) are quite impressive as movie characters and as little-but-great actors… Maybe it might sound nostalgic or naive but Ukrainian and Baskhir children were once sisters and brothers of the Soviets. The film ends with the same nostalgic, naïve and, in a way, surprising closing scene.