MOD 627


2021/6/20 週日 晚間9點































製作公司:Solar Films




  • 2016年冰島艾達獎最佳配樂入圍

  • 2015年海邊國際電影節電影與文學獎入圍,多梅卡魯科斯基

  • 2015年芬蘭國家電影獎最佳男主角,安蒂利塔

  • 2015年芬蘭國家電影獎最佳影片入圍

  • 2015年芬蘭國家電影獎最佳導演入圍,多梅卡魯科斯基。



  • 2015年芬蘭國家電影獎終生成就獎,安蒂利塔



  • 2014年多倫多國際電影節當代電影世界單元

  • 2014年《綜藝報》10位值得關注的導演,多梅卡魯科斯基

  • 2015年棕櫚泉國際電影節正式入選

  • 2015年聖塔芭芭拉電影節正式入選

  • 2015年Alped¹Huez電影節正式入選

  • 2015年澳洲北歐電影節正式入選

  • 2015年格拉斯哥電影節正式入選

  • 2015年羅馬北歐電影節正式入選

  • 2015年西雅圖電影節正式入選

  • 2015年巴利亞多利德國際電影節,聚焦芬蘭單元

  • 2015年聖保羅國際電影節





他的所有作品在影評和票房都有好成績,五部電影共獲得30項芬蘭國家電影獎提名,全都入圍最佳導演,並以《The Home of Dark Butterflies》和《極地奧德賽》獲獎。






  • 安蒂利塔和瑪麗佩蘭克斯基一開始的對手戲特別有趣,兩人因為看不慣對方而情緒慢慢沸騰。(衛報)

  • 凡是覺得世界完蛋了的人,都能體會本片的笑點。(綜藝報)

  • 關於寬容和弭平代溝的動人故事。(綜藝報)

  • 甜蜜溫馨的改編作品。(銀幕日報)

  • 情感動盪變得越來越深切,最後推至片尾的感傷真相。(銀幕日報)

  • 導演多梅卡魯科斯基引導觀眾踏上反思的旅程,人與人之間最遙遠的距離不是地理區隔,而是情感隔閡。Cinemania(西班牙)

  • 一部誠懇、風趣、感傷的佳作,我迫不及待想再看一次。Seventh Row

  • 2014年多倫多國際電影節最精彩之作:多梅卡魯科斯基執導,爆笑趣味的《我家來個怪老爹》……

  • 多梅卡魯科斯基的《我家來個怪老爹》是2014年多倫多國際電影節亮點之一。

  • 《我家來個怪老爹》與多梅卡魯科斯基2010年黑色喜劇《極地奧德賽》具有相同的喜感和華麗攝影,同樣也在多倫多國際電影節首映,但本片更加成熟,所有喜劇元素都具有情感分量。


  • 出自悲慘處境的一部精彩喜劇。《世界報》(西班牙)

  • 芬蘭編導多梅卡魯科斯基執導,《我家來個怪老爹》是一部關於老父與現代步調不一致的喜劇,也是多倫多國際電影節最暖心、有趣、動人的電影之一。怪老爹的角色是根據托馬斯凱羅撰寫的系列小說改編,由於角色刻畫太生動,好幾位觀眾問多梅卡魯科斯基怎麼會認識他們的父親或祖父。

  • 多梅卡魯科斯基成功將一部眾人以為無法改編的小說搬上大銀幕,創造了與時俱進的社會諷刺作品,奠定自己作為當今最靈活多才多藝的電影導演的地位。



  • 2014年芬蘭票房冠軍。

  • 安蒂利塔在廣播劇和劇場都扮演過怪老爹的角色,原本不打算參與電影版,但在孫子的鼓勵之下同意演出。

  • 怪老爹去廁所時拿的S卡是一種集點卡。

  • 兒子媳婦在片尾演職員表沒有列出名字,只列出他們與怪老爹的親屬關係。在英文字幕裡,兒子稱呼妻子為Liisa(Lissu是芬蘭語的親密稱呼)。

  • 怪老爹提到勞里內瓦拉在東京奧運會獲得金牌。保利勞里內瓦拉是芬蘭標槍運動員,他在1964年東京奧運會意外獲得金牌。

  • 阿維林德是芬蘭電視新聞節目主持人,1965年到2003年擔任芬蘭廣播公司第一電視台新聞主播。馬蒂倫卡(1959-)是芬蘭廣播公司新聞主播,也寫了八本犯罪小說。



  • Timo和怪老爹在夜裡清潔排水溝時,他們的福特Escort停在車道右側,面向房屋。媳婦Liisa當晚開著奧迪回家,車子必須停在左邊,但第二天早上兩台汽車的位置顛倒了。



  • 《我家來個怪老爹》根據托馬斯凱羅在2014年創作的小說改編的,也是怪老爹系列第三集。



HE WILL RUIN YOUR DAY! The Grump is about a cantankerous old man whose old school stubbornness is put to the test when he is forced, due to a heavy fall, to move in to the city with his sharp business minded daughter in law. The two instantly butt heads, with hilarious consequences, and pretty soon the daughter wants him out. But there’s more to the old git than she originally thought. And likewise, he has a thing or two to learn from this modern woman. So what starts out as a tragicomic disaster turns out to be a touching story about new discovery, tolerance and closing the generation gap.



A stubbornly traditional eighty-year-old farmer — whose social attitudes verge on the prehistoric — raises hell when he is forced to move in with his sadsack, city-dwelling son and domineering daughter-in-law, in this hilarious social satire based on the wildly popular novel by Finnish author Tuomas Kyrö.



In his Jussi (Finnish Oscar) award-winning performance, legendary Finnish actor Antti Litja plays “the grump,” a cantankerous, pernickety eighty year-old farmer who is fiercely opposed to modernization. When he is forced to move in with his son and his wife in the city, they instantly butt heads with hilarious consequences. 


But there’s more to the old man than the couple originally thought, and likewise, he has a thing or two to learn from the younger generation. This bittersweet satire on “the good old days” was last year’s (2014) biggest hit in Finland. 



The Grump is a man from the past. A man who knows that everything used to be so much better in the old days. Pretty much everything that’s been done after 1953 has always managed to ruin The Grump’s day. Our story unfolds as The Grump takes a fall from his basement steps, hurting his ankle. He has to spend a weekend in Helsinki to attend physiotherapy. 


The Grump doesn’t like this for four reasons: 1) He has to take a taxi. 2) He can’t take daily care of his wife, an Alzheimer’s patient. 3) He can’t drive, which means he might have to sit in a car with a female driver. 4) He has to spend time with his family.


The daughter-in-law is a career woman, not keen to spend time with The Grump when he comes to the city. Her boss has given her the task to look after Russian businessmen supposed to close a major deal over the weekend. It doesn’t make her any happier when The Grump decides to help with the deal.


Then The Grump has to face his useless son to become the father he never was, teaching his son how to take care of his loved ones. A thing The Grump has never been able to do.


And somebody’s day will be ruined.



Based on Tuomas Kyrö's popular novel, Dome Karukoski's The Grump juxtaposes the rural values of yesterday's Finland with the country's contemporary urban reality, with alternately hilarious and touching results. The eponymous, unnamed hero (played by legendary Finnish actor Antti Litja) is an eighty-year-old farmer who, following a domestic accident, must come to Helsinki and stay with his youngest son, an unemployed New Age sad sack, and his Type A businesswoman daughter-in-law.

From the outset, the new houseguest is hell on wheels. His social attitudes are, at best, prehistoric: he's terrified of change and is generally averse to displaying any emotions save rage and frustration; he freaks out when he's served by a young black woman at a coffee shop; and he's flummoxed by his daughter-in-law's lavender-scented bathroom. (Lavender, he insists, was used to poison soldiers in the trenches.) Nevertheless, his generosity, dogged independence, and slow-food work ethic contrast vividly, and favourably, with the trendy attitudes and self-absorbed behaviour of those around him — and despite his gruff manner, it soon becomes apparent that the Grump is harbouring painful secrets that he is loath to address.


Director: Dome Karukoski

Writers: Dome Karukoski, Tuomas Kyrö

Producers: Jukka Helle, Markus Selin

Production Co: Solar Films

Cast: Antti Litja, Iikka Forss, Mari Perankoski, Mikko Neuvonen, Petra Frey



  • Best Music Nominee, Edda Awards, Iceland, 2016.

  • Dome Karukoski, Film and Literature Award Nominee, Film by the Sea International FF, 2015.

  • Antti Litja, Best Leading Actor, Jussic Awards, 2015.

  • Best Film Nominee, Jussic Awards, 2015.

  • Dome Karukoski, Best Direction Nominee, Jussic Awards, 2015.



  • Antti Litja, Lifetime Achievement Jussi, Jussi Awards, 2015.



  • Contemporary World Cinema, Toronto International Film Festival 2014.

  • '10 Directors to Watch' Dome Karukoski, Variety 2014.

  • Official Selection, Palm Springs International Film Festival 2015.

  • Official Selection, Santa Barbara Film Festival 2015.

  • Official Selection, Alpe d¹Huez Festival 2015.

  • Official Selection, Scandinavian Film Festival, Australia 2015.

  • Official Selection, Glasgow Film Festival 2015.

  • Official Selection, Nordic Film Festival Rome 2015.

  • Official Selection, Seattle Film Festival 2015.

  • Valladolid Focus on Finland, 60. Semana Internacional De Cine 2015.

  • Mostra Int'l Film Festival, Sao Paulo 2015.


About the Director 

Dome Karukoski (born 1976) is one of Finland’s most acclaimed directors. In 2013 he was included in Variety’s list of 10 Directors to Watch.


All of his films have been successes, both critically and at the box office. His five films have a total of 30 nominations for the Finnish National Film Awards. Karukoski has been nominated for Best Director for all of his five feature films. With The Home of Dark Butterflies and Lapland Odyssey, he won the Award for Best Director.


Director’s statement

My Father turned 80 a year ago. He gets angry if he misses the news he’s always watched, he gets angry if somebody loses the stuff he put on the table, and he gets angry because the world is going to ruin. I love him. I made this film for him. 



  • Litja and Perankoski are especially funny in the early stages as their mutual frustration with one another comes to a slow boil - Guardian

  • This comic romp boasts the sort of humor that can be appreciated by anyone who thinks the world is going to hell in a handbasket – Variety

  • A touching story about tolerance and closing the generation gap – Variety  

  • A sweetly sentimental adaptation. Screen Daily -

  • Emotional upheavals become increasingly heartfelt in what ultimately emerges as a poignant exploration. Screen Daily - 

  • [Director Dome] Karukoski guides us on a journey of reflection, where distance is not so much geographic, but emotional. Cinemania (Spain)

  • It's honest, funny, and heartbreaking, and I can't wait to see it again. Seventh Row

  • Best of TIFF 2014: Dome Karukoski’s The Grump is a hilarious delight....Dome Karukoski’s The Grump was one of the highlights of the 2014 Toronto International Film Festival. 

  • The Grump has the same comic sensibility and gorgeous photography as Karukoski’s 2010 black comedy Lapland Odyssey, which also premiered at TIFF, but this is the work of a more mature filmmaker: all of the comedic elements take on emotional weight. 


  • A brilliant comedy that comes out of a terrible situation. El Mundo (Spain)

  • Finnish Writer-Director Dome Karukoski’s The Grump is a comedy about an aging parent feeling out of step with the modern age, was also one of the sweetest, funniest, and most emotional films at the Toronto International Film Festival. The eponymous grump is based on a series of Finnish books, by Tuomo Kyrö, and he’s so richly realised that several audience members asked how Karukoski knew their father or grandfather. 


  • In adapting a book many thought couldn't be brought to the screen, Karukoski has created an up-to-the-minute piece of social satire and further established himself as one of today's most versatile and inventive filmmakers. 


Trivia (IMDB):

  • No. 1, Finnish Box Office, 2014

  • Antti Litja, who had already provided voice for the Mielensäpahoittaja character in the original radio plays and played the role in theatre, was initially not enthusiastic to appear also in the film, but eventually agreed after his grandson encouraged him to take the part.

  • The S-Card that Mielensäpahoittaja needs to get into the toilet is a Customer Loyalty Card.

  • Neither the son nor the daughter-in-law are named in the credits, just credited by their relationship to the Grump. The son does refer to his wife as Liisa (and Lissu, a term of endearment) in the English subtitles.

  • Mielensäpahoittaja mentions hearing Nevala win at the Tokyo Olympics. Pauli Lauri Nevala was a Finnish javelin thrower, who unexpectedly won gold at Tokyo in 1964.

  • Arvi Lind was a Finnish television news presenter, working as the news anchor on Yleisradio TV1 from 1965 to 2003. Matti Rönkä (1959 -) works as a news anchor for the YLE TV. He is also an author of eight crime novels.


Goofs (IMDB):

  • When Timo and Mielensäpahoittaja are cleaning the gutters at night, the Ford Escort is parked on the right-hand side of the driveway facing the house. When Liisa, has daughter-in-law, returns that night in her Audi, she must park on the left-hand side. The next morning the position of the cars is reversed.



  • The Grump is based on a 2014 novel by Kyrö, the third volume by the author, in which this character appears.