MOD 627


2021/2/28 週日 21:00 首播



《他很怪,他是我爸爸》是跟據西班牙作家何塞路易斯桑佩德羅的暢銷小說改編。著名英國男星布萊恩考克斯飾演性格古怪的Rory MacNeil,他心不甘情不願離開了心愛的赫布里底群島,前往舊金山就醫。他住進多年未見的兒子Rory的家,與年幼孫子相處之後,漸漸改變了自己的個性。




《他很怪,他是我爸爸》由金球獎影帝布萊恩考克斯主演(HBO影集《繼承之戰》、百老匯近期音樂劇《The GREAT SOCIETY》主角),他飾演的Rory MacNeil是個脾氣不好的蘇格蘭人,心不甘情不願離開了心愛的赫布里底群島,前往舊金山就醫。他住進多年未見的兒子Rory的家,與年幼孫子相處之後,漸漸改變了自己的個性。


本片根據何塞路易斯桑佩德羅的小說改編,以壞脾氣的蘇格蘭人Rory MacNeil為中心,描述他離家前往舊金山就醫之後的故事。他住進多年未見的兒子Rory的家,與年幼孫子相處之後,漸漸改變了自己的個性。


製片:亞瑟科恩(三度獲得奧斯卡獎)(《中央車站》、《放牛班的春天》、《One Day In September》)

製作公司:Arthur Cohn Productions,Po Valley Productions

演員:布萊恩考克斯(金球獎、艾美獎得主)(《 梅爾吉勃遜之英雄本色》、HBO影集《繼承之戰》、《愛情決勝點》、《神鬼認證》系列電影)




羅珊娜艾奎特(英國影藝學院電影獎獲獎,金球獎入圍)(《黑色追緝令》、《碧海藍天》、影集《Ray Donovan》)




  • 英國蘇格蘭埃里博爾湖。(Rory的房子)
  • 美國加州舊金山。
  • 美國加州伯克利。


  • 2018年紐約州石溪影展大獎,布萊恩考克斯
  • 2018年紐約州石溪影展大獎,最佳影片
  • 2018年羅德島影展最佳長片大獎
  • 2018年蒙特婁世界影展最佳影片評審團大獎
  • 2019年棕櫚泉國際電影節最佳敘事長片入圍
  • 2018年波士頓影展最佳整體演出及最佳攝影
  • 2020年AARP成年人電影獎最佳跨代電影入圍
  • 2019年特拉弗斯城影展,最佳美國非虛構類電影,觀眾票選獎
  • 2018年那不勒斯國際電影節最佳敘事長片,觀眾票選獎


  • 在這部情節熟悉但動人的劇情片裡,布萊恩考克斯帶來演藝生涯最精彩的演出,他在片中飾演一名壞脾氣的蘇格蘭人,正要面對最後一段生命旅程。
  • 「考克斯以精湛演技詮釋這個徬徨的角色,不時以古蘇格蘭蓋爾語說起民間故事,是觀影時一大享受。」(洛杉磯時報)
  • 「笑中帶淚的精彩作品。」(Mad About Movies podcast)
  • 「羅珊娜艾奎特飾演的博物館策展人和考克斯調情的戲特別迷人,無論是她學著說蓋爾語,或是在園藝時試著給考克斯一個吻,都讓人看得回味無窮。」(英國觀察家報)
  • 「考克斯在片中呈現精湛的演技。」(英國每日郵報)
  • 兩位導演對於「精彩的演員群」讚譽有加,飾演Rory的布萊恩考克斯更得到諸多好評。布萊恩考克斯是著名的蘇格蘭演員,以電影作品和莎士比亞戲劇聞名,電影代表作包括《 梅爾吉勃遜之英雄本色》、伍迪艾倫執導的《愛情決勝點》,也在《1987大懸案》飾演漢尼拔萊克特。
  • 「《他很怪,他是我爸爸》由以色列雙導演組米蓋貝茲和歐迪賓南執導,證明了一位全方位的偉大演員,能夠把最平凡的素材提升到超凡的境界⋯⋯」(觀察家報,雷克斯里德)
  • 「根據何塞路易斯桑佩德羅的暢銷小說《 ETRUSCAN SMILE》改編,本片是米蓋貝茲及歐迪賓南的的導演處女作⋯⋯交織著悲痛、愛和生命力⋯⋯兩位導演盡量不移動攝影機,以簡單的鏡頭來呈現角色的情感複雜度。」(芝加哥讀者報,瑪麗莎德拉塞爾達)
  • 「布萊恩考克斯帶來演員生涯最精彩的演出⋯⋯奧斯卡獎即將叩門。」(Wild About Movies,提姆納森)
  • 「布萊恩考克斯精彩的演技,賦予本片滿滿的活力。」(觀察家報,雷克斯里德)
  • 「融合幽默和嚴肅的精彩好片。」(電影雜誌,麗莎施瓦茨)
  • 「布萊恩考克斯飾演Rory MacNeil,在片中展現蘇格蘭口音⋯⋯再也沒有人比布萊恩考克斯更適合Rory這個角色了,這位脾氣古怪的粗獷男士來自蘇格蘭赫布里底群島,當他被迫與與住在舊金山的兒子重新建立了關係,也找到自己心中溫柔的一面⋯⋯。考克斯以精湛演技詮釋這個徬徨的角色,不時以古蘇格蘭蓋爾語說起民間故事,是觀影時一大享受。」(洛杉磯時報,凱蒂華許)
  • 「布萊恩考克斯演一個上了年紀的蘇格蘭人,他養生的方式是在赫布里底海岸裸泳。他穿著蘇格蘭短裙出席時髦場合,教導語言學家(彼得柯尤特飾演)怎麼說蘇格蘭俚語,他的舉止粗獷,卻給小孫子融化了他的心,還愛上羅珊娜艾奎特飾演的博物館館長,⋯⋯布萊恩考克斯是當代最優秀的年長演員。」(2020年AARP成年人電影獎,提姆艾佩洛)
  • 「《他很怪,他是我爸爸》充滿了人文精神,演員和導演充分掌握了人性。」(NYC Movie Guru,艾維奧佛)
  • 「布萊恩考克斯讀了這個關於家庭以及修復人際關係的故事之後就愛不釋手,他認為故事非常動人……看過的觀眾也真心喜愛。」(洛杉磯ABC7電視台,喬治彭納基奧)
  • 「在《他很怪,他是我爸爸》裡,布萊恩考克斯把最平凡的素材提升到超凡的境界⋯⋯」


The Etruscan Smile is based in the best selling novel by Spanish author José Luis Sampedro. Stars acclaimed British actor Brian Cox as Rory MacNeil, a rugged old Scotsman who reluctantly leaves his beloved isolated Hebridean island and travels to San Francisco to seek medical treatment. Moving in with his estranged son, Rory sees his life transformed through a newly found bond with his baby grandson.



Based on the bestselling novel by José Luis Sampedro.


THE ETRUSCAN SMILE stars Brian Cox (HBO’s SUCCESSION and recent Broadway leading man in THE GREAT SOCIETY) as Rory MacNeil, a rugged old Scotsman who reluctantly leaves his beloved isolated Hebridean island and travels to San Francisco to seek medical treatment. Moving in with his estranged son, Rory’s life will be transformed, just when he expects it least, through a newly found love for his baby grandson.



The film is based on the novel by José Luis Sampedro, La sonrisa etrusca, and centers on Scottish curmudgeon Rory MacNeil who leaves his home to travel to San Francisco for medical treatment. He moves in with his estranged son and his family, and begins to form a strong bond with his newborn grandson.


Director:          Mihal Brezis (Oscar Nominated) and Oded Binnun

Producers:               Arthur Cohn (3 times Oscar Winner)

(Central Station, The Chorus, One Day In September)

Production Co:        Arthur Cohn Productions, Po Valley Productions

Cast:                        Brian Cox (Emmy Winner & Golden Globe Nominee)

(Braveheart, Succession, Match Point, Bourne Saga)

JJ Field (Captain America, Last Orders, Third Stars)

Thora Birch (Golden Globe Nominee) (Narcos, Mad Men, First Man)

Peter Coyote (Emmy Winner)

(E.T., A Walk To Remember, Erin Brokovich)

Rosanna Arquette (BAFTA Awarded & Golden Globe Nominee)

(Pulp Fiction, The Big Blur, Ray Donovan)

Tim Matheson, Emanuel Cohn, Treat Williams, Clive Russell.

Film Locations (IMDB):

·           Loch Eriboll, Scotland, UK. (Rory’s house)

·           San Francisco, California, USA.

·           Berkeley, California, USA.



·           Brian Cox, Grand Prize, Stony Book FF, New York, 2018.

·           Best Film, Festival Grand Prize, Stony Book FF, New York, 2018.

·           Best Feature, Grand Prize, Rhode Island FF, 2018.

·           Best Film, Jury Grand Prize, Montral World FF, 2018.

·           Best Narrative Feature Nominee, Palm Springs IFF, 2019.

·           Best Ensemble & Best Cinematography, Boston FF, 2018.

·           Best Intergenerational Film Nominee, AARP Movies for Grownups Awards, 2020.

·           Best US Nonfiction Film, Audience Award, Traverse City FF, 2019.

·           Best Narrative Feature, Audience Award, Naples IFF, 2018.



·           Brian Cox gives one of his finest performances in this familiar but affecting drama about a cantankerous Scotsman facing his journey’s end. 

·           “Cox is a wonder to watch, and seeing him in this gentle, vulnerable role, also spouting folk tales  and seductions in ancient Scottish Gaelic, is a treat.“ Los Angeles Times

·           “The balance of laughter and tears is perfect.“ Mad About Movies

·           “I’d have happily watched Cox flirt with Rosanna Arquette’s museum curator for 90 minutes; her game attempts to parrot his Gaelic and a tentaive kiss while gardening, knee-deep in soil, are strangely charming.“ Observer UK

       “It has a trump card in Cox, who holds it together with the excellence of his acting.“ Daily Mail UK

·           Binnun and Brezis credit their “incredible cast,” of which Brian Cox, as Rory, has gotten wonderful reviews. Audiences may recognize Cox, one of Scotland’s notable actors in film and Shakespearean theater, from such films as “Braveheart,” Woody Allen’s “Match Point,”and as Hannibal Lecter in “Manhunter.” 


·           “Sensitively directed by the Israeli duo Mihal Brezis and Oded Binnun, THE ETRUSCAN SMILE is a perfect example of what can happen when a great, versatile and powerful actor raises familiar material above and beyond….” Observer Rex Reed

·           “Based on José Luis Sampedro's best-selling novel, THE ETRUSCAN SMILE is the heart-wrenching directorial debut of Mihal Brezis and Oded Binnun.... full of pain, love, life.... Brezis and Binnun offer little camera movement, making for simple shots that show the characters' emotional complexity.” Chicago Reader Marissa De la Cerda

·           Brian Cox gives the performance of his career....Oscar is calling.“ Wild About Movies Tim Nasson

·           “Has energy and spirit, thanks to Brian Cox's bright, charming performance.” OBSERVER Rex Reed

·           “Delights with a good mix of humor and seriousness.” Cinema Magazine Lisa Schwarz

·           “Brian Cox brings his Scottish brogue to THE ETRUSCAN SMILE as Rory MacNeil, a role that Cox was seemingly born to play: a rough and wild man from the Hebrides off of Scotland, who gets in touch with his softer side when he’s forced to rekindle a relationship with his estranged son in San Francisco.... Cox is a wonder to watch, and seeing him in this gentle, vulnerable role, also spouting folk tales and seductions in ancient Scottish Gaelic, is a treat.” Los Angeles Times Katie Walsh

·           “Brian Cox plays a grizzled old Scotsman who stays healthy with nude swims off the Hebrides coast. He scandalizes snobs at ritzy events by wearing his kilt, teaches a linguist (Peter Coyote) Scottish slang, behaves like Crocodile Dundee, and falls in love with his baby grandson and museum curator Rosanna Arquette.... worth watching for Cox's bravura performance with some of the best grownup actors alive.” AARP Movies For Grownups Tim Appelo

·           “One of THE ETRUSCAN SMILE's many strengths is that it brims with humanism. The filmmakers treat both the characters and the audience as human beings from start to finish. The actors, like the filmmakers, also grasp human nature.” NYC Movie Guru Avi Offer

·           “Brian Cox fell in love with this story about family, damaged relationships and healing. He sees it as a heartfelt and moving story about the human experience.... audiences who have seen it, have embraced it.” ABC7 Los Angeles George Pennacchio

In ‘The Etruscan Smile,’ Brian Cox Raises Familiar Material Above and Beyond Mediocrity -