MOD 380


Comedy Central Roast of Roseanne
喜劇中心頻道集合多位尖酸刻薄的喜劇脫口秀演員和傳奇演員來吐槽美國影劇圈傳奇人物:Roseanne Barr。其中由吐槽女王Jane Lynch扮成Roseanne的前夫Tom Arnold的搞笑橋段為節目高潮。從性愛到毒品還有工作上的挫折,沒有什麼不能成為本節目的吐槽題材,而且沒有人可以倖免。針鋒相對,喜劇脫口秀演員吐槽功力大對決,贏家永遠是觀眾。「喜劇來自於傷痛,人們。」沒有人比這女人更知道這點,永遠的傳奇Roseanne Barr將會被像小孩般被玩弄,帶給大家歡笑。」Jeff Ross說道。
Comedy Central assembled a crew of edgy comedians and legendary actors to roast an American legend and icon: Roseanne Barr. The scorching spectacle was helmed by Roast Master Jane Lynch with a special appearance by Roseanne’s ex-husband, Tom Arnold. From sex to drugs to career failures, no subject was off limits and no one remained unscathed.
