MOD 380


Comedy Masala
由諧星Umar Rana主持的「喜劇瑪撒拉」是新加坡第一個單口相聲開講系列節目,讓您一窺新加坡喜劇不為人知的一面,從英國、菲律賓到新加坡,每集將有6位來自全球各地才華洋溢的喜劇明星。
The Comedy Masala Show is Singapore’s first ever televised stand-up comedy open mic series. This landmark production showcases 13 episodes of the comedy underground like you have never seen before. Hosted by funny man Umar Rana, each episode brings forward six talented comedians from all over the globe – from UK to the Philippines and finally homeground, Singapore. Hilarious & relatable, Comedy Masala truly puts forward a comedy showcase delivered in style devoid of cookie-cutter wannabes but instead unique to each comic’s wit & individualistic flair.
