

Escape Or Die
2015/11/24起 每週二22:50首播

Dean Gunnarson被譽為世界最偉大的逃脫專家,利用欺騙死神的非凡特技,娛樂全球觀眾。本節目《死裡逃生》,帶觀眾到舞台絢爛燈光和咆哮的群眾的後方,到幕後了解Dean為每回威脅他生命的脫逃挑戰所做的準備,以及他不同一般人的驚險生活。

Dean Gunnarson is hailed as the world's greatest escape artist, entertaining global audiences with remarkable stunts that cheat death. Escape or Die! is a show that takes viewers behind the bright lights of the main stage and the roaring crowds and into Dean's unique life as he prepares nail-biting escapes that threaten his life every time.
