

Nyan Koi!
2015/10/09起 週一到週五17:50首播

高坂潤平是位高二學生,他討厭貓,也對他們過敏。 好巧不巧他愛慕的高中女同學水野楓非常喜歡貓。 有一天, 放學回家路上, Junpei 踢到一個空罐,不幸擊中當地貓咪地藏(貓咪守護神)的頭。 之後,他發現他可以瞭解貓的話語, 包括他家裡脾氣暴躁的貓姆薩斯。然而如果他沒有實現貓的100個願望,他自己可能變成一隻貓。

Junpei Kousaka is a second-year high school student who despises cats and has an allergy to them. It just so happens that his high school crush is Kaede Mizuno, a girl who adores cats. One day, while walking home from school, Junpei kicks an empty can and unfortunately beans the local neko-jizou-sama (guardian deity of cats). He finds he can now understand what cats are saying, including his family's own ill-tempered cat, Nyamusas. However, if he does not grant 100 wishes from cats, he will turn into a cat himself.
