MOD 380

爆笑頻道脫口秀亞洲瘋 第4季

Stand-Up Asia! S4
2019/11/12起 每週二 晚間8點30分

《爆笑頻道脫口秀亞洲瘋》第四季堅強陣容終於揭曉了!秉持一貫的原創製作風格,第四季將混搭脫口秀與笑鬧短劇,最敢秀與最脫序的喜劇諧星也將齊聚一堂,共同歡慶亞洲笑料新紀元的到來!本月精彩內容由BenZi(Benjamin Kheng 與 Hirzi Zulkiflie)雙人擔綱主持,並於亞洲大力放送,第四季精彩內容不僅令人目不轉睛更令人目不暇給,首度邀請到台灣(曾博恩)以及汶萊諧星登上本系列節目的舞台「爆笑」各方,快鎖定《爆笑頻道脫口秀亞洲瘋》!

Comedy Central has unveiled its line-up of 12 Asian comedians for STAND-UP,
ASIA! Season 4. One of the network’s original productions, this season evolves the stand-up show format into a stand-up and sketch hybrid, coupled with the boldest and funniest comic talent to celebrate Asian comedy. Airing in Asia this November and hosted by sketch duo BenZi (Benjamin Kheng and Hirzi Zulkiflie), this season marks the first time the series is including comics from Taiwan and Brunei.

