MOD 380

南方四賤客 第23季

South Park (S23)
2019/10/02起 每週三 22:30

這群出口成「髒」的四年級小屁孩,這個十月依然無的放矢讓你無力招架!這部獲得艾美獎與皮博迪獎雙重肯定的動畫節目來到了第23 季,歷史悠久足以達到為了不盡人意的選舉結果買醉兩輪的年歲。這部動畫節目因為觸及許多敏感議題,從政治人物醜聞到崩壞巨星名人,迄今仍舊兒童不宜。本季誰會淪為嘴砲內容?換句話說,誰又真的不會被嘴砲呢?

The foul-mouthed fourth-graders are back to titillate this October. At 23 seasons old, the Emmy® and Peabody® Award-winning animation, SOUTH PARK, is already old enough to drink, vote, and drink. The animated show that is not for children is still on track to offend as many sensibilities as possible, taking on everything and everyone – from scandalised politicians to dysfunctional celebrities. Who will they offend this season? More like, who will they not offend...


“A ring that says you’d be together but not have sex. Isn’t that called a wedding ring?” Uh-oh! In the South Park episode ‘It Hits the Fan’, the word ‘sh*t’ was used a total of 200 times: 162 spoken, 38 written.


