MOD 257


Search For The Lost Giants
2019/06/09 週日 20:00-20:55

幾年前,辛勤工作的石匠比爾和吉姆維埃拉,在麻薩諸塞州的樹林裡,偶然碰見將永遠改變他們生活,並且可能改變人類歷史進程的發現。維埃拉兄弟找到了一系列先進的石頭構造和隧道,這些從未被歷史書提及的建物,可能是失落文明的遺跡。進一步的研究引領出令人不寒而慄的發現——在這個失落文明的中心,曾生活著一群漫遊於北美洲的巨大人形生物。在尋找失落的巨人這集中,我們將跟隨維埃拉兄弟進入秘密房間、地下隧道, 和神秘的墳塚——他們一切的追尋,只為了找出一根骨頭、一根髮絲,甚至一串巨人的DNA,便能讓他們發掘美國歷史的秘密篇章。

Several years ago, a pair of hard-working stonemasons named Bill and Jim Viera stumbled upon something in the Massachusetts woods that would change their lives forever...and may alter the course of human history. The Viera brothers found a set of advanced stone structures and tunnels that could be the clue to a lost civilization - one that has never been mentioned in the history books. Further research led them to an even more chilling discovery: at the heart of this lost civilization lived a race of giant humanoids who once roamed North America.In Search for the Lost Giants, we will follow the Vieira brothers into secret chambers, underground tunnels, and mysterious burial mounds - all on their quest to find that one bone, that one hair, that single strand of giant DNA that will allow them to unearth this secret chapter in American history.
