

Bates Motel (S1)
媽寶男孩: 恐怖大師希區考克的經典《驚魂記》被譽為驚悚電影的開山始祖。你可以將這部視為其現代版前傳。Freddie Highmore-大家可以認得出他就是電影《巧克力冒險工廠》的Charlie-飾演青少年Norman Bates,影集描繪在《驚魂記》恐怖的事件發生前,他與聲名狼藉的Norma Bates的生活。 這個月,他們怪異的母子關係就讓你毛骨悚然,這樣的情緒化操控和壓抑管教塑造Norman的殺手特質。由電視影集《Lost檔案》的製作團隊打造出品,觀眾絕對可以期望有很多《Lost檔案》般的迂迴曲折劇情,這樣拍攝手法新潮又令人膽顫心驚的影集將讓人難忘,無法錯過。


Mummy’s boy: Alfred Hitchcock’s classic Psycho is widely hailed as the grandfather of horror films. Well, think of this as a prequel set in modern days. Freddie Highmore – most recognizable as Charlie from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – takes on the role of teenage Norman Bates in a series depicting his life with the infamous Norma Bates before the horrifying events of Psycho. This month, let this strange mother-and-son duo get under your skin as you watch the emotional smothering and manipulation mould Norman into the killer he becomes. From the executive producer of TV series Lost, expect “a lot of the twists and turns you might have liked on Lost” and brace yourself for a stylishly shot, bone-chilling series that will be impossible to ignore and even harder to forget.



角色介紹 Characters

有錢人家美麗千金Bradley Martin

Nicola Peltz


A beautiful, popular, affluent, seventeen-year-old girl who befriends Norman out of kindness, but is ultimately surprised to find herself drawn to him in other, deeper ways.

暗戀諾曼的老成女生Emma Decody

Olivia Cooke


A quirky, pretty, intelligent seventeen-year-old girl who has cystic fibrosis and an “old soul”. She gets an almost immediate crush on Norman and is always showing up on his doorstep.

鎮上警長Sheriff Alex Romero

Nestor Carbonell

身為White Pine Bay 鎮上的警長。儘管有時候道德尺度標準有所變動,Romero是鎮上正義秩序的化身。穩重威武,深具觀察力,但藏有一個黑暗秘密…,在一次發生在貝茨旅館內的不幸事件後,他開始介入諾曼一家的一連串事件。

The Sheriff of White Pine Bay, Romero is the “moral” center of the town, although morality is often a shifting line here. Imposing and discerning, he gets involved in Norma Bates’ life after an unfortunate incident at the motel. "I am the last person who you want on your bad side, Mrs. Bates…” And he’s not kidding.

年輕副警長Deputy Zach Shelby

Mike Vogel


The young, handsome, clear-eyed deputy of White Pine Bay. He has an immediate attraction to Norma and finds himself drawn into her life and wanting to take care of her.

諾曼哥哥Dylan Massett

Max Thieriot


Norma’s son by her first marriage and half-brother to Norman, Dylan is an edgy outsider in the Norma/Norman tea party. He’s a lost soul and a drifter who finds himself, by necessity, drifting back into the troubled lives of his mother and brother.

諾曼母親,旅館主人Norma Louise Bates

Vera Farmiga


The resilient, intelligent, beautiful, complicated and mercurial mother of seventeen-year-old Norman Bates. A contemporary single mother, she is emotionally complex and utterly devoted to her son, constantly juggling her own needs and some hardcore baggage while trying to create a new home in a new town for herself and Norman.

諾曼Norman Bates

Freddie Highmore


A smart, quietly funny, handsome and sometimes shy seventeen-year-old boy with an intensely close bond to his mother. Norman is resistant to starting over in a new town, but begins to change his mind as he spread his wings a little.