MOD 620


The Angriest Man In Brooklyn
2015/10/1 週四21:30首播

有些人會遇到禍不單行的日子,Henry Altmann(羅賓威廉斯飾)每天都如此,對世界總是不開心,也充滿憤怒,Henry焦急不耐地坐在診間, 終於等到Sharon Gill 醫生(蜜拉庫妮絲飾)的門診。而Sharon正承受她自己不順的日子,得告知Henry他 有腦內動脈瘤。而這消息讓Henry更為生氣,對她吼叫,要求知道他還剩多少時間可以活。面對Henry的憤怒與侮辱,Sharon唐突地告訴他,他只剩 九十分鐘。在聽到這令他震驚的消息,Henry奪門而出,Sharon因自己一時的判斷而嚇傻,決定尋遍城市角落找到Henry,另一方面飽受這診斷折磨 的Henry,則決定要對他一生所傷害的人,做出補償。

Some people have bad days.  Henry Altmann (Williams) has one every day.  Always unhappy and angry at the world including everyone in it, Henry sits impatiently at the doctor’s office when he is finally seen by Dr. Sharon Gill (Kunis).  Sharon, who is enduring her own bad day, reveals that Henry has a brain aneurysm. This news makes Henry even angrier, yelling at Sharon he demands to know how much time he has left.  Faced with Henry’s anger and insults, Sharon abruptly tells him he has only 90 minutes.  Shocked and reeling by this news, Henry storms out of the office leaving Sharon stunned by what she has just done in a lapse of judgment. As Sharon goes on a city-wide search, Henry struggles with his diagnosis, determined to make amends with everyone he has hurt in his life.
