

King & Maxwell (S1)
最佳拍檔: 今年備受期待的影集,《妙探間諜》改編 David Baldacci 的暢銷小說系列,聚焦在兩個非比尋常的私家偵探。Sean King曾任政府情報部門,但因保護總統候選人不被暗殺的任務失敗後,他的事業開始急轉直下,而Michelle Maxwell是個聰明的美女,現職不為人知的奧林匹克事業。 這雙人組將用他們的專業能力與聰明才智,接手敏感政治的案子。你會喜歡這二人之間犀利的化學變化與處事方式。 從Michelle車上滿是垃圾的車子 ,到Sean熱愛紅酒勝過啤酒。由 Jon Tenney (《結案高手》) 和Rebecca Romjin(電影《X-戰警》飾演魔形女) 領銜主演,帶領觀眾進入華盛頓首府揭開暗黑機密, 政治間諜戰與竊聽監看再掀高潮,要你屏息以待。


One of the hotly anticipated series of the year, King & Maxwell brings to life crime novelist David Baldacci’s bestselling series revolving around two unusual private investigators. Formerly secret service agents, Sean King’s career went spiraling when he failed to protect a presidential candidate from assassination, while Michelle Maxwell is a beauty with brains and a now defunct Olympic career. Now, the duo teams up to tackle politically sensitive cases with their unique skill sets and smarts. You will enjoy every minute of the pair’s razor-sharp chemistry, and their clashes over everything – from her garbage-filled car to his love for wine over beer. Starring Jon Tenney (The Closer) and Rebecca Romjin (Mystique from the X-Men films) as the titular two, King & Maxwell takes you into the dark underbelly of Washington’s shadiest secrets until they get brought to light. Political espionage and snooping never looked better.


角色介紹 Characters

Michelle Maxwell

Rebecca Romijn

前任情報員的Maxwell現在是和Sean King搭檔的私家偵探。要知道她對伙伴高度忠誠,會不計任何代價只為達成任務結案(包括暫時犯法…)。不要被她的美貌和不拘小節的態度騙了,Maxwell知道的東西可多了。請注意:這位探員脾氣不太好,行事衝動,必且隨身攜帶武器。

A former Secret Service agent, Maxwell is now a private investigator partnered with Sean King. Be aware she is extremely loyal to her partner and will do just about anything to close her case (including temporarily obstructing law enforcement). Donbe fooled by her beauty or disorganization – Maxwell knows more than she lets on.  Be advised: This investigator has a major temper and impulsive tendencies, and she’s usually armed.

Sean King

Jon Tenney

這位因任務失敗而失去光環的前任政府探員現在擔任律師和私家探員,和Michelle Maxwell一起合作。雖然他身無寸鐵,但憑他的聰明機智,可以讓自己脫離任何險境。目擊證人和即便是嫌疑犯都對他的「迷人」態度讚譽有加。請注意:當提供任何機密情報給King,他會跟他的夥伴Maxwell分享。

This discredited Secret Service agent now works as an attorney and private investigator, partnered with Michelle Maxwell. It should be noted that though King is rarely armed, he’s extremely quick witted and can talk himself out of any questionable situation. Witnesses and even potential suspects have commented on his "charming" attitude.  Note that when relaying any delicate information to King, he shares all intel with Maxwell, his partner.