
銀河迷航 第1季

Farscape (S1)
遠離家園:這是一部受非主流族群喜歡的cult經典影集之一。1999年播出,在2003突然停播。Farscape 充滿科幻必備元素,吸引人的劇情,完全符合死忠科幻迷的胃口,現在你有機會再次觀賞,當現代太空人John Crichton不小心跌入蟲洞,結果正好陷入一場巨大太空船的居民與貪腐的和平倡導者的戰爭。他避開他們,正當試著找尋另外一個蟲洞時,加入一個龍蛇混雜的團體,有各種迴然不同的人,但有著共同的目標:找到回家的路。
Far from home: A cult favourite that began way back in 1999 and was abruptly cancelled in 2003, Farscape was iconic, intriguing and everything a true blue science-fiction fan could ask for – and now's your chance to catch it! When modern-day astronaut John Crichton accidentally falls into a wormhole, he lands smack in the middle of a war between the inhabitants of a giant living spaceship and the corrupt Peacekeepers. As he fends them off while trying to locate another wormhole, he joins a motley crew of very different characters with a common goal: to find their way home too.
