

Scariest Places On Earth (S1)
驚魂之旅:由主持人Linda Blair帶領你參與這個以實境秀方式進行的影集,節目將探訪許多世界上最知名的鬧鬼地點,甚至讓自願的參與者置身其中。以恐怖出了名的地點包括英國切寧漢城堡(惡名昭彰不必多解釋了!)以及美國維吉尼亞州的孟茲維古堡監獄等恐怖禁地都將被細細探索,讓你直冒冷汗 — 別說我們沒有警告你!
Travels of terror: Join host Linda Blair in this reality TV-style investigation series that features tours of some of the most haunted locations in the world, and places willing participants in some of them. Famously spooky landmarks such as the Chillingham Castle (the name speaks for itself!) and Moundsville Penitentiary in West Virginia are explored in unforgettably chilling detail – you have been warned!
