MOD 258

車壇追擊手 第7季

Counting Cars (S7)
2019/02/04起 每周一 21:55首播

人稱「伯爵」的丹尼柯克是拉斯維加斯的傳奇人物,他專門收購、修復並客製化經典跑車與重機,並轉賣賺取利潤。頻頻出現在《當鋪之星》的丹尼不論是在走路、說話,還是在呼吸時都在想著美國肌肉跑車與重機。從古董雷鳥汽車、經典的雪佛蘭科爾維特,到改裝後的哈雷與三輪機車,丹尼都瞭若指掌。當他看上一台車時,不管是在展示中、拍賣會裡,還是停在路邊餐車旁,他都會想盡辦法將之入手。 他和他的超強團隊必須儘快收購、修復並賣出這些交通工具,以免遭人超車搶先。每一集的《車壇追擊手》都有著精采絕倫的故事、歷史悠久的車子、和令人瞠目結舌的車輛大變身,還有最精彩的買賣手法。

Danny "The Count" Koker is a Las Vegas legend who acquires, restores and customizes classic cars and motorcycles, and then "flips" them for a profit. Well known from his frequent appearances on Pawn Stars, Danny walks, talks and breathes American muscle cars and motorcycles, from vintage Thunderbirds and classic Corvettes to souped-up Harleys and tricked-out trikes. When he sees a ride he wants, whether it's on display at an auto auction or parked at a roadside diner, he will stop at nothing to acquire it. With the help of his talented team, Danny must restore, modify, customize and sell these highway gems in a hurry to stay in the black. Every episode of Counting Cars is bursting at the seams with amazing stories about historic vehicles, jaw-dropping before-and-after transformations and wheeling and dealing at its absolute best.