
法網中間人 第1季

Fairly Legal (S1)

法庭是唯一存在公義的地方嗎? 傑出律師Kate Reed (Sarah Shahi飾)並不認同,她辭去著名律師事行的工作,決心證明公義同樣可以在法庭以外伸張。機智及自信的Kate厭倦了法律制度,轉職擔任調解員,不用對簿公堂便化解糾紛;憑着她快速思考及優越辯才,消除不少衝突,及減少了繁複的法庭訴訟。
Let’s work things out: Is the courtroom the only place for justice? Legal eagle Kate Reed (Sarah Shahi) doesn’t think so, and she quit her job as an attorney at a prestigious law firm to prove it. Fed up with the legal system, smart and sassy Kate plunges into a career as a mediator, resolving disputes without lawsuits. She’s got a knack for thinking quickly, talking smoothly, and working out conflicts minus messy legal battles.
