MOD 259


Babies Behind Bars
2019/02/01起每週五 21:00


With more women serving time than ever before, a staggering 10,000 babies are born behind bars each year in the US. In most cases, babies are separated from their mothers immediately after birth. However, in a handful of states, radical programs allow women to keep their babies. Indiana Women's Prison runs one of those programs, Wee Ones, and in addition to the important impact of the infants benefiting from being with their mothers, the mothers are often turned around permanently. Nationwide, over 90% of the participating women have not reoffended. Across the 5 serialized hours of this initial order of Babies Behind Bars (wt) , we will follow the interweaving stories of 4 to 5 inmates, each of whom is at a different stage of the 18 month program. Some will be entering the program just before giving birth, some will be about halfway through the program, some will be coming to the end of the program. All will be struggling to play by the rules and remain in this program while fighting for a better life for themselves and their babies. We'll also follow the inmate nannies and the tough-love professionals in whose hands the futures of these flawed yet well-meaning women are entrusted.