MOD 380

爆笑頻道脫口秀亞洲瘋 第3季

Comedy Central Presents Stand-Up, Asia! (S3)
2018/08/14 週二22:00
重、磅、回、歸!爆笑頻道史無前例的脫口秀系列—《脫口秀亞洲瘋》精彩第三季重磅回歸,將為你帶來橫跨亞洲、橫掃全球最有趣的喜劇明星們!拭目以待Sugar Sammy(曾在31個國家進行1,600場演出)、Dwayne Perkins(Netflix自有脫口秀系列節目)、Dr. Jason Leong(誰忘得了他病毒式群組聊天影片?),還有更多讓你笑到歪、笑到翻、笑到不要不要的亞洲專屬最佳笑料!
紅遍半邊天的國際喜劇演員Sugar Sammy,曾在31個國家進行1,600場演出,還有讓你笑到停不了的Vir Das。另一個百無禁忌的嘉年華在馬來西亞,才華洋溢的代表如Kuah Jenhan、Dr. Jason Leong和Joanne Kam;來自新加坡的冷面笑將Jinx Yeo和機智過人的Jocelyn Chia正在對大家招手;菲律賓則藉Justin Rivera與不容錯過的Victor Anastacio綻放魔力;目前越南最棒的喜劇明星之一Hung Le,諷刺性的表演形式絕對不讓任何任何人失望!這還是女力發威的一季,有六位最辛辣的喜劇明星齊聚一堂,分別是日本的Aiko Tanaka、香港的Jennifer Hsiung、美國的Helen Hong和Esther Ku。除了美國不遑多讓派出以Netflix特製節目《柏金斯知道啦》,以及擔任《傑雷諾今日秀》中的報導工作而家喻戶曉的Dwayne Perkins,更別放過埃及出生的美國喜劇演員Ahmed Ahmed,他也是好萊塢裡喜劇俱樂部的固定班底!
We. Are. Back! Comedy Central Asia’s first ever comedic stand-up series, Comedy Central Stand-Up, Asia!, return for an exciting third season, bringing you some of the funniest and boldest comedic talents from Asia and across the globe. Expect the likes of Sugar Sammy (who has performed over 1,600 shows in 31 countries), Dwayne Perkins (who has his own Netflix stand-up special), Dr. Jason Leong (who can forget his viral office whatsapp group chat video?) and more to deliver the LOLs, LMFAOs and ROFLs with only the best AZN jokes under one roof. 
Comedy Central Asia’s first ever original stand-up series, Comedy Central Stand-up, Asia! returns for an exciting third season, bringing you some of the funniest and boldest comedic talents from Asia and across the globe. Expect special episodes such as a Ladies Night and Greatest Hits edition round up the season. 
One of the hottest comedians on the international circuit, Canada’s Sugar Sammy, who has performed over 1,600 shows in 31 countries and with the likes of Vir Das, will make you laugh endlessly. A no-holds-barred fest, Malaysia is represented with the flair and flamboyance of Kuah Jenhan, Dr. Jason Leong and Joanne Kam. From Singapore, the dead-pan humour of Jinx Yeo and the well-heeled, witty Jocelyn Chia beckons. The Philippines deliver the magic that is Justin Rivera with a not-to-be-missed performance from Victor Anastacio. One of Vietnam’s best comedians out there today - Hung Le’s edgy, satirical comedy will spare no one from the LOLs. It’s gurrrrllllll power this season with our host of six of the sassiest female comedians, including Japan’s Aiko Tanaka, Hong Kong’s Jennifer Hsiung, USA’s Helen Hong and Esther Ku. The USA also delivers the comedic prowess of Dwayne Perkins best known for his Netflix special ‘Dwayne Perkins: Take Note’ and his regular correspondent work on The Jay Leno Show. Rounding up this all-star ensemble, is Egyptian-born American actor/comedian and a regular draw at The Comedy Store in Hollywood, Ahmed Ahmed. 
