MOD 620

王牌詐妻 第2季

Imposters (S2)
2018/04/06 每週五 22:15
然而夜路走多也會遇到鬼,她的計謀無往不利,直到她遇上近日的受害者Ezra, Richard 和 Jules,他們決定聯手追緝她。但為了找到Maddie的行蹤,這三人組本身也必須精熟詐術。
"Imposters" follows Maddie, a seductive con artist with a unique method of duping her unsuspecting victims. Altering her persona, she gets men – and women – to fall in love with her, marries them, and then disappears with their money and just enough compromising information to ensure they will never go to the police. 
Her scheme works time after time until her latest victims, Ezra, Richard and Jules, team up to find her. But in order to catch up to Maddie, the trio will have to master the art of the con themselves.

