MOD 620


How Do I Look? Asia (S1)
2015/8/31起,每週一 20:00 首播
《幫我做造型:亞洲版》終於來了,DIVA在美國大受歡迎的實境節目,將請到來自亞洲區接受造型挑戰的女性,幫每個人做出令人目瞪口呆的改裝造型大變身!由時髦耀眼的主持人Sazzy Falak領軍,《幫我做造型:亞洲版》致力轉換,幫參加者的造型和生活大改造。天曉得?你可能會從中學習到一些時尚小訣竅與花招!
How Do I Look? Asia is finally here! DIVA’s take on the hit American reality program will bring in fashion-challenged women from across the Asian region and give each of them a jaw-dropping makeover! Led by snazzy host Sazzy Falak, How Do I Look? Asia is set to transform both the participants’ styles and lives for the better. And who knows? You might even pick up a few fashion tips and tricks yourself!
