MOD 620


The Christmas Apprentice
2017/12/25 週一22:00首播

Riley Thomas被指派到佛蒙特州,負責關閉一間虧本的,小規模的大衣製作工廠。 但是事情進行過程中,她卻與工廠董事長墜入愛河,並了解小城鎮的價值,決不能用盈利做為衡量標準。Riley會違背她的老闆,挺身而出拯救這家公司嗎? 

Riley Thomas is sent to Vermont to close down a small outerwear company that had failed to meet its bottom line. However, in the process, she falls in love with the CEO and learns that the town’s values are beyond simply making profits. Will Riley stand up against her boss to save the company?
